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· 【发表区】我对拳击运动的看法【翻译】 524字 (含芝 西安西一路小学四年级一班)
· 【发表区】才艺大赛【翻译】 597字 (含芝 西安西一路小学四年级一班)
· 【发表区】But Was it Murder?(翻译) 963字 (含芝 西安西一路小学四年级一班)
· 【发表区】Plyaing Hide-and-seek with My Little Brother Jimmy 1994字 (含芝 西安西一路小学四年级一班)
I'm ten years old now and my little brother Jimmy is three and a half, this Spring Festival, I played with him after lunch.
· 【发表区】The Celebration of New Year 2419字 (含芝 西安西一路小学四年级一班)
Today is New Year's Eve. We are having a party at school!
· 【发表区】热爱生命——喂猫 411字 (含芝 西安西一路小学四年级一班)
· 【发表区】校园一角 438字 (含芝 西安西一路小学四年级一班)
· 【发表区】I Had Read<Harry Potter and the Order of the Ph 3193字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I had read a part of<Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoeix>, I'm going to tell you about that part.
· 【发表区】I Had Read<Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire& 4314字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I had told you what happened in Part 1 last time, now it's time for Part 2.
· 【发表区】Picking Strawberries 1698字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
"Ya-hoooooooooooooo!" I shouted as my grandparents told me I was going to pick strawberries.
· 【发表区】I Had Read<Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire& 4154字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I had finished Harry Potter book 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I want to tell you the first part of the story.
· 【发表区】Going to the Pet Store 1547字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
Today, I went to the pet store with my grandpa, we saw cats, dogs, rabbits, goldfish, lizards, snakes, hamsters, scorpions, and spiders.
· 【发表区】I Had Read<Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azk 1463字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
You had known about Part 2, I will continue now.
· 【发表区】The Little Dog at the Aunt's House 1262字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
In the yard which I'm living in, there's a little white dog.
· 【发表区】I Had Read<Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban 2885字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I had told you what was it about in the first part of the book in Part 1, now I will continue.
· 【发表区】I Had Read<Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azk 2266字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I had finished reading<Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban>, this book is very long, so I will just write a part of it first.
· 【发表区】My Two-layer Teeth 1784字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I am 9 years old this year, but I can still remember the time when I was 5 and a half and I lost my first two teeth.
· 【发表区】How Did I Learn English 1784字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I bet that many of you want to know how did I learn English. Yes, there are many ways to learn them and probably everyone is different.
· 【发表区】Visit the Science Museum 1103字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
A few days ago, I went to the Science Museum near Xincheng Square with my Grandparents. It was fun.
· 【发表区】I Had Read<Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secr 1989字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I had finished reading<Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets>, and I think it’s very interesting.
· 【发表区】I Like the Spring Festival 1740字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
Ten days left…Nine days left…Eight days left…Spring Festival is almost here, and I say it once every day.
· 【发表区】Play First or Homework First 1272字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
What will you do first? Play first or do homework first?”
· 【发表区】安妮·欧克丽(翻译) 1355字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
· 【发表区】I Like Tests 1112字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
Probably you’re one of the students which don’t like tests, or you’re one of them which are afraid of tests.
· 【发表区】On This Winter Holiday 1133字 (含芝 西安西一路小学三年级一班)
I want to do many things on this winter holiday, and I was very excited.
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