"Ya-hoooooooooooooo!" I shouted as my grandparents told me I was going to pick strawberries. I haven't even seen strawberries growing before, but I knew it grows in the ground, I will love to see that whole big place full of strawberries, and strawberries are my favourite fruit. 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
I was bouncing a bit on the car on the way, and I kept asking dad, "Are we there yet?" After so many times, we finally stopped by the roadside.
I looked around and around, there was nothing but big white tents, then, my dad asked the boss that which strawberries in the tent will be perfect to pick, and we went in the first one.
Hundreds of strawberry plants filled the tent, I just stood there and stared for a moment, the tent was much bigger than I think it will be, quite like the one in Harry Potter book 4 of the tent, but my dad isn't really happy about the strawberries, he let us walk in and in and in until it was a perfect part for strawberry picking, he also helped me spotted one big strawberry, it was as big as my fist.
When I was picking strawberries, I noticed that the leaves look like fans, but they are not like the fans which the edges are smooth, their edges are quite bumpy. There are some strawberry flowers, the flowers' pedals are white and its middle is yellow. There are some unripe strawberries, too. They were hidden in green leaves, and they were white with little seeds. I picked and picked and picked, they were all so good-looking, I tasted two and picked and picked, I picked a whole basket of them until my dad and my aunt called me back and we ate a bit on the car, I sat in front this time since I don't like it at the back.
I looked down at the strawberries, they are very red and they are very sweet, I was thinking about making some cream strawberries, but I just remembered we didn't have any cream.
Anyway, I had lots of fun picking strawberries, even though it's a bit hot. My dad said we can go pick cherries next time, I think my cousin Tommy will come, too. Since he can climb the cherry trees on a ladder. It will be a lot of fun. I can't wait till next time!
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