· 【发表区】 亲情 161字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班) 亲情是一截不灭的腊/照明你的前方/亲情是儿时的布娃娃/与你共分喜忧/亲情是一幅感人的画/把爱挂满人间 |
· 【发表区】 爱,就在点滴之间 580字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班) 想她的时候,就看一看照片,或者唱一首小时候姥姥给我唱的催眠曲。我有时梦见姥姥,她牵着我的小手,漫步在花园中…… |
Andrea做贼心虚,露出了一丝狡猾的嘻笑。她用食指和拇指捏在一起,双眼眯成一条缝,说:“就那么一点点。” |
大家看看我新写的英文小说吧!“ well,” kitty said secretly looking at her blond haired doll.“ I have a special way of killing her.” |
· 【发表区】 童年趣事 634字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班) 这件事出了我父母以外,我没有告诉过任何人。而每次我的父母提到此事时,我的脸都会涨得通红,感到无地自容! |
· 【发表区】 没用的柠檬皮 1005字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班) 你呢?如果你是一个柠檬,你能保管好自己的心吗? |
Be a Pollyanna yourself and search for your own happiness! |
有幸进了学堂的儿童,却不幸地承受了说假话的压力。我真希望,中国的小学以后能还给孩子们一份诚实的清白。平生不求播善名,到处何须说雷锋?善由心随,善事该做而不必自己去宣讲,“善人”之名不可求也。 |
Sophie turned to Julia, fixing her icy eyes on her“Kiss your friend good bye,” Sophie said grimly.“Because you are never going to see her again.” |
“Officer, my dad and my stepmother was trying to murder us. And they have already murdered my mum.” I told the friendly looking police. |
She got murdered by David and Sophie.” Julia whispered. She looked around to see if there are anything going unusual. |
Sophie went in first, I went in second. Julia followed tightly after us, even though she was quite unwilling to go in |
For a moment I was scared too, I didn`t want to look at what ever made Julia scared. I didn`t want to get scared. |
She narrowed her eyes, she seemed worried, very worried. |
“ No, not really.” She said vaguely. She is hiding something from me, whatever it is, I must find out! |
Then I heard the same sentence“Get revenge for mummy…… Get revenge for mummy…….” |
I stood there as still as a statue,as I saw David’s knife cut through Cencila, I heard a heart breaking scream. |
I went to bed but couldn’t sleep. Something doesn`t feel right about Sophie |
I pushed the door open and saw a girl my age sitting in front of my desk, drawing.“Who… Who are you?” I asked |
“Mary, are you ok?” I asked her uneasily. I could see the pain through her dark blue eyes. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. |
what I saw wasn`t the normal Mary. I saw Mary standing in front of the door way, as pale as can be. |
I have been living in china for nearly a year. I miss everyone very much. Do you miss me? |
Love is everywhere,inside you,inside every humanbeing,even in the air. |
Hello everyone! This is my newly written novel. I hope u enjoy it. |