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· 【发表区】亲情 161字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
· 【发表区】爱,就在点滴之间 580字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
· 【发表区】为人公正的 Ellinore 659字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
· 【发表区】The doll(1) 2180字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
大家看看我新写的英文小说吧!“ well,” kitty said secretly looking at her blond haired doll.“ I have a special way of killing her.”
· 【发表区】童年趣事 634字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
· 【发表区】没用的柠檬皮 1005字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
· 【发表区】search for happiness 822字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
Be a Pollyanna yourself and search for your own happiness!
· 【发表区】道处何需说雷锋(转载) 2486字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
· 【发表区】the secert tunnel(14)大结局 1754字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
Sophie turned to Julia, fixing her icy eyes on her“Kiss your friend good bye,” Sophie said grimly.“Because you are never going to see her again.”
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(13) 2378字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
“Officer, my dad and my stepmother was trying to murder us. And they have already murdered my mum.” I told the friendly looking police.
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(12) 3449字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
She got murdered by David and Sophie.” Julia whispered. She looked around to see if there are anything going unusual.
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(11) 2692字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
Sophie went in first, I went in second. Julia followed tightly after us, even though she was quite unwilling to go in
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(10) 1618字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
For a moment I was scared too, I didn`t want to look at what ever made Julia scared. I didn`t want to get scared.
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(9) 1988字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
She narrowed her eyes, she seemed worried, very worried.
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(8) 2624字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
“ No, not really.” She said vaguely. She is hiding something from me, whatever it is, I must find out!
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(7) 3321字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
Then I heard the same sentence“Get revenge for mummy…… Get revenge for mummy…….”
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(6) 3184字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
I stood there as still as a statue,as I saw David’s knife cut through Cencila, I heard a heart breaking scream.
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(5) 2139字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
I went to bed but couldn’t sleep. Something doesn`t feel right about Sophie
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(4) 1546字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
I pushed the door open and saw a girl my age sitting in front of my desk, drawing.“Who… Who are you?” I asked
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(3) 2931字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
“Mary, are you ok?” I asked her uneasily. I could see the pain through her dark blue eyes. She looked as if she had seen a ghost.
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(2) 2770字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
what I saw wasn`t the normal Mary. I saw Mary standing in front of the door way, as pale as can be.
· 【发表区】给我的瑞典同学的一封信 1131字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
I have been living in china for nearly a year. I miss everyone very much. Do you miss me?
· 【精品区】Love is in the air 598字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
Love is everywhere,inside you,inside every humanbeing,even in the air.
· 【发表区】The secret tunnel(1) 2706字 (VAMPIRE13 解放大路小学六年二班)
Hello everyone! This is my newly written novel. I hope u enjoy it.
