HAPPY77(来自 144.137.9.*)于 2010-8-7 0:10:00
"Like I said above, we like new and fashionable stuff."
Homosexual rape described as ’fashionable’...lol
I haven’t yet read the book.. or watched the movie for that matter. Although this book (amongst other bestsellers ;D) frequently became the subject of discussion between my peers and I, tbh, the only fragment of the plot synopsis that I am still able to recallis ’the rape’ (wonder why that stuck to my mind = =). So I’m under no circumstance to judge..
Well.. I suppose the exotic foreign setting or the supposedly insightful themes must have an attractive edge to the general public.. :S But yea, after reading your response, I really don’t feel like borrowing the Kite Runner anymore. I don’t like it when books have an underlying political tone or purpose, unless its satirical and funny :(
You’re always critical when it comes to assessing mainstream culture/media/art/blahblahblah~ This piece of writing was an amusing read, good job :).
HAPPY77(来自 203.113.214.*)于 2010-7-29 6:44:00
中国和西方国家有太多commercial ties,美国一个公司倒闭中国公司可以损失上亿,但反过来,中国的经济有动荡,其他国家同样也会受到不小的冲击。我有时候看到报纸上杂志上报道的关于西方国家经济的惨状或者政治上的动荡,一边虽然想着是不是夸大其词,但一边又想果然还是天朝好。中国现在对内对外都是不完美的,对内……嗯……不与评论……对外或许中国现在财大气粗很像一个暴发户,但这样总也好过西方一些没落贵族,毕竟有钱才是真的,其他的都不给力啊。其实天朝没有那么不堪,但正如GPS所说,或许我们眼光比较短浅……
VAMPIRE13 于 2010-7-29 21:59:00回复如下:
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