在复习高中第二册第2课the tallest grass时,我要求学生根据课文内容写一段对话。题目是这样编的:
某一学生对竹子不甚了解,于是去问生物老师。他就竹子的种属、种类、特征(指生长情况以及高度)和 用途等提了几个问题。老师一一给予回答并请他写一段师生之间关于竹子的对话。如有一学生编写出这样一段 文字通顺的对话:(s-a student t-the teacher)
s:what kind of plant is bamboo?
t:bamboo is a kind of grass though it looks niore like a tree.
s:how many kinds of bamboo are there in the world?
t:altogether there are more than 500 different kinds of bamboo.
s:where does bamboo grow best ?do all of them grow tall?
t:they grow best where it is warm and where it rains often.not allkinds of bamboo grow tall. some grow no higher than your ankles.
s:is bamboo very useful?
t:yes,it is widely used .we can make a lot of things out of bamboo,such as flower vases,b askets,water-pipes.it is also a good buildingmaterial.it can be made into fine paper.it can als o be used as food whenyoung.
3.一题一练 一题一练即命题作文,安排在高考前两个月。题目应接近中学生的生活实际,使学生看到 题目就有话可写。这样才能激发学生的兴趣,使他们对写好作文充满信心。这样的题目有:
记叙文:(1)my first english teacher (2)my study of english
(3)my childhood (4)an unforgettable day
描写: (1)four seasons (2)my good friend
(3)the teacher i respect most
说明文:(1)my family (2)our school
(3)how i improved my english
议论文:(1)on the importance of learning a foreign language
(2)early rising (3)let’s go in for sports(例文略)
英语作文训练三步法,由仿写到改写,再到自由表达,由易到难,循序渐进,确定了作文要求和具体形式 ,是一种有效方法。89年我所教的一个班级高考人均成绩为82.2分。90年和91年高考英语成绩也较 为理想,均在全市重点中学中名列前茅。92年一个班级80%的学生书面表达(15)分题获12分以上的 好成绩,其中满分1人,有相当一部分只扣了1~2分。全班89人人均成绩为71分。93年两个班学生参 加met考试,一个班人均76.88分,另一个班人均73.5分,在全市重点中学中名列第一。