
for: the ipod nano3 has been lost


  How could How could Anywhere you have not disappeared I did not find the Perhaps you do not want to see again in my side
Or you really can not say that I am   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
To me, you are very important   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
Your value, not valuation  
You are my only treasure things  
You have a story, better than anyone else I love you, or love you, right, yes love  
No matter how many I bought ipod nano ipod shuffle ipod touch or iphone  
Of these, you can always replace  
These are no substitute for you forever  
You always accompanied me, at any time  
I always with you, I hope that I will take you forever  
However, how could you not, that the disappearance of  
I cried for a long time  
In fact,  
I do not think you are missing  
You are in my home,  
Will be at my house  
However, how could I not find you  
How could  
How could  
Anywhere you have not disappeared  
I did not find the  
Perhaps you do not want to see again in my side  
So leave  
SO, I will forever miss you, forever, forever  
I want you know I love you so much

位置:发表区   年级:初中2 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:680 投稿日期:2009-5-26 23:03:00 点击:
  CYW951127 点评

推荐3星:[CYW951127]2009-6-3 16:02:19
+2收藏 精品
+1还行 发表
-1真糟 退稿
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