
Information on vegetarian diets

新疆维吾尔自治区巴音郭楞自治州库尔勒市梨乡路12号华誉大酒店2005室 ZHANGHH119

  Some people often ask one question about the vegetarianism(素食主义):
Some people often ask one question about the vegetarianism(素食主义):How nutritious(营养的)can a vegetarian(素食)diet be? In fact, in poorer countries it is often followed with shortage(不足)of food. In rich countries, however, research shows that a vegetarian diet can provide enough nutrition for all ages. Vegetables, fruits and nuts are excellent sources of the vitamins(维生素)and minerals(矿物质). And vegetarians have higher intakes of calcium(钙),vitamin B and C than people following a mixed diet. Vegetarian diets have protein (蛋白质)values similar to those of mixed diets, but their fat intake is lower.  
Vegetable food has a higher water content so that vegetarians automatically(自动地)take large quantities of water as part of their food. Vegetables also have a lower fat content. However, if fat is required, nuts have more than fifty percent fat, oils can be added to salads and vegetable, fats can be used in cooking.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn

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来源: 字数:772 投稿日期:2007-2-1 20:11:00 点击:
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