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Fabio Cannavaro, the Best Defender in the World|法比

When he was a ball boy, he dreamt of becoming a footballer. However, not even he would have imagined that one day he would raise the World Cup to the sky, as a captain, and bring joy to an entire nation. This is the story of a common dream of millions of children—but the fact is that Fabio Cannavaro, unlike so many others, made his dream come true...

European Footballer1 of 2006
Cannavaro is the third defender to win the Ballon- d'Or(golden ball). He is also the first Italian player to win it since 1993. “I am the first to be surprised,” Cannavaro said. “This means everything to me.”
At 34, Cannavaro remains very fit and looks like he will remain a top-class player for another four to five seasons. He said that the important things for him staying in good shape2 are to eat well and get plenty of sleep.
While food and sleep are not a bad recipe3 for success, to rise to the top of the world's most popular sport one surely must have more than these.
Perhaps the other important ingredients4 are leadership and loyalty. As captain of Italy at the World Cup, Cannavaro behaved well. “The secret to going a long way in the tournament5 is to rediscover some of the typical defensive approach found in Italian football culture,”he said.
He is firm6  with his Italian teammates, loyal to his coach, and not afraid to criticize the qualities of his team in public.

FIFA7 World Footballer8 of 2006
Fabio Cannavaro completed an outstanding year of achievement on Dec. 18, 2006 when he added FIFA's World Player crown to the European Footballer of the Year award he won last month.
Cannavaro beat off9 competition from Brazil's Ronaldinho10 and retired French great Zinedine Zidane11 in a vote by national team coaches and skippers12. “It's an unbelievable moment,” said Cannavaro. “It really has been a golden year.”
     “The competition was scary13, it was so strong,” added Cannavaro. “After winning the World Cup and the European Footballer of the Year award too, I do not think I can ask for anything else.”
Cannavaro is the first defender to win the FIFA award since its inception14 in 1991. 



“这是个令人难以置信的时刻,”卡纳瓦罗说,“今年真是个硕果累累的黄金年。 ”


1. European Footballer:欧洲足球先生,又称“金球奖”,是由《法国足球》杂志所设的授予每年度最优秀欧洲足球运动员的奖项。
2. in good shape 身体状况良好
3. recipe  n. 处方
4. ingredient  n. 成分, 因素
5. tournament  n. 比赛,锦标赛
6. firm  adj. 严格的
7. FIFA:FIFA的英文全称是Federation International Football Association,意思是国际足球联合会,1904年5月21日在法国巴黎成立。
8. FIFA World Footballer: 世界足球先生,是由国际足联评选的年度最佳足球运动员的荣誉。由各国足球队主教练和队长投票产生。该奖项起始于1991年。
9. beat off 打败,击退
10. Ronaldinho: 罗纳尔迪尼奥,巴西球员,他的超卓球技被大众称为“新一代球王”,2004年至2005年连续两年获得世界足球先生。
11. Zinedine Zidane:齐内丁·齐达内 ,法国队的中场核心,现已退役。曾于1998 年、2000年和2003 三度获得世界足球先生。
12. skipper n. 球队队长
13. scary  adj. 引起惊慌的
14. inception  n. 起头,开端

15. incredible  adj. 难以置信的
16. pinnacle  n. 山顶, 顶点
17. Champions League:欧洲冠军联赛。根据欧洲俱乐部比赛成绩的排名,各国可以派出1-4支球队参加欧洲冠军联赛;在冠军联赛中进行两个阶段的分组循环赛。
18. fantastic adj. 美好的,极妙的或极好的
19. trophy  n. 奖杯(牌)
20. get sb. down 使沮丧
21. striker  n. 足球队中的前锋
22. underline v. 强调
23. appreciate  v. 欣赏
24. intervention  n. 干涉
25. decisive  adj. 决定性的
26. humility  n. 谦逊,谦卑
27. outlandish  adj. 奇特的,稀奇古怪的
28. in possession 控球
29. extravagant  adj. 过度的, 过分的
30. take sb. on: 开始和…作对、较量等

31. idolize  v. 极端崇拜
32. engaging  adj. 有魅力的, 迷人的
33. tattoo  n. 文身
34. warrior  n. 武士,勇士