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How to Survive (3)|生存手册(3)

Being Trapped Under Ice
Key phrase: Light blue = thin ice
  If you do fall through the ice, look for a different shade of light that indicates either a gap or thinner ice. Don't rely on being able to find air pockets1, as “you'll be extremely lucky to come across any”. Loss of body heat occurs 25 times faster in cold water than in cold air. If you don't get out within 15 minutes you'll lack strength to do much more than drown.

Bear Attack
Key phrase: Do not run
  These are some measures you are supposed to take, you should:
(1) Stand    your   ground, make noise, and wave your hands to make yourself appear as big as possible. Running away could result in a charge. When particularly angry, some species of bear can run 100m in just six seconds!
(2) Never  block  the  bear's  escape route, and never place yourself between a sow2 and her little cubs3.
(3) Fight  for  your  life if attacked. Playing dead may trick a Grizzly4, but it won't fool the brainy Black Bear.

Killer Bees
Key phrase: Change the smell of the dead bee
  When scientists took African honey bees to Brazil in 1956, they bred with their European cousins, which had been introduced to the country earlier, and produced an even deadlier type of bees: the Africanised honey bee, or killer bee.
  All honey bees produce a smell when they sting that alerts other bees. What makes this one so dangerous is the speed and seriousness of the response. Once stung you should:
(1) Run away before the dead bee's 60,000 mates get you.
(2) Rub  leaves  on  the sting to change the smell. Wild mint is good.
(3) Hide: bees  see  in ultraviolet5, so the dappled6 pattern of light under a tree will act as camouflage7.

Sinking Ship
Key phrase: Stay together
       If the ship is sinking, you should:
(1) Put  on a hat and several layers of warm clothing, as you lose more body heat through your head than anywhere else.
(2) Make  sure  you know where the nearest assembly8 point is. On UK ships, they are marked by big green squares with arrows pointing to a family.
(3) Learn  the quickest route to the lifeboats. On ferries9, life preservers10 are kept in lockers11 or beneath seats in communal12 areas.
In the Lifeboat
(1)Try to stay dry, as cold water and winds will take away your energy. Keep close together and this will help keep you warmer. Stay with other boats/rafts as three or four are easier to spot from the air than one. Row as far away from the ship as possible: it creates a huge “pull” as it goes under and could suck you down with it.
In the Water
(1) When you are clear of the boat, stay still. This will conserve energy and body heat. Pull the face cover over your head if your life jacket is fitted with one and try to stay with other people.


(1) 站在原地,弄出响声并挥舞双手,尽可能使自己看起来个头儿大些。撒腿就跑可能招致攻击。有几种熊极怒之下只需6秒钟就可跑出100米。
(2) 千万不要挡住熊的逃路,也千万不要挡在母熊和她的幼仔之间。
(3) 一旦被袭击,要拼命搏斗。装死耍得了灰熊,但骗不了聪明的黑熊。

(3) 躲起来。有紫外线的地方蜜蜂就能看见,所以树荫下斑驳的光影可用作隐蔽。

(3) 弄清楚通往救生艇的最快路线。渡船上的救生工具放在公共活动区的储物舱或坐位下。
(1) 身上尽量不要弄湿,冷水和寒风会带走你的热量。和大家紧紧挤在一起,这有助于保暖。和其他的救生艇/筏呆在一起,因为从空中三四个救生艇/筏总比一个更容易发现。划得离轮船越远越好,否则轮船下沉时产生的巨大拉力可能将你和它一起吸下去。


1. air pocket 气穴, 气泡
2. sow [sau] n. 母熊
3. cub  n. 幼兽
4. grizzly  n. 灰熊
5. ultraviolet  n. 紫外线
6. dappled  adj. 有斑点的
7. camouflage  n. 隐蔽,伪装

8. assembly  n. 集合
9. ferry  n. 渡船
10. life preserver 救生工具
11. locker  n. (船上等的)贮藏箱, 小舱
12. communal  adj. 公共的