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Thierry Henry: The World Under His Feet|亨利:世界在他脚下

Footballer of the Year in 2004
  On May 10, 2004, Henry was voted the Footballer of the Year award by the English Football Writers' Association. He got 87% of the votes cast in the poll1. Chelsea's England star Frank Lampard was second, while Henry's Arsenal colleague Patrick Vieira was third.
  Henry is the first player to win the Footballer of the Year award in successive2 seasons.
  Henry's honor comes two weeks after he was voted the Professional Footballers' Association Player of the Year for the second successive season.
  He said, “It is a real honor to receive this award for the second year running. But, as I always say, it would not have been possible without my team-mates and, of course, the manager. When I collected this award last season I would have swapped3 it for a team award but thankfully this year we have won the title so I can really enjoy it this time around. You know we have a special group of players at Arsenal and an amazing team spirit. I love being part of this team and really believe we have a big future.”

  Born on August 17, 1977 in Paris, Thierry Henry spent his childhood with a soccer ball by his side. In 1990, at the age of thirteen, he began to receive systematic football training with First Division Monaco4. He played his first pro game in December 1994 against rival Nice at the age of 17. His offensive impact was immediate and although he had not yet fully developed physically, people saw a future star in him.
  His progress continued and in 1996, he made the junior team of Europe. The following year, Henry took part in the under-20 World Cup in Malaysia and then was chosen to play for France at the World Cup of 1998. He was the player to score the most goals in the French team and helped France win the title. But he did have a miserable5 time in Japan 2002. France walked out of the game during the first round6.
  After a brief stay in the famed club Juventus in Italy, Henry came to England and became part of Arsenal, where he found a new life.
  At the start of his career with Arsenal, Henry played the wing7 alongside star striker8 Dennis Bergkamp for the most part. Later, Henry was moved to the striker spot at center and he began to score a lot of goals.
  The 2002/03 season was undoubtedly Henry's best season in England to date. He scored 32 goals in all competitions and narrowly missed out on9 the Barclaycard Premiership Golden Boot. But he got the honor for the 2003/2004 season, during which he scored 30 goals for Arsenal.
  His exciting style and scary10 pace was a joy to watch and he was acknowledged for his brilliant performance, winning the Football Writers Player of the Year and Professional Footballers Association Player of the Year Awards.

Henry: the person
  When you happen to be a superstar striker for a major English soccer club like Arsenal, you attract quite a bit of attention. And quite a few women as well. Europe is football mad and Henry plays around Europe. People can see him everywhere. So like any other star athlete who can get an enormous salary and a share of the spotlight11 in a major city (Arsenal is based in London), Henry is living large.
  He does have a reputation for taking pleasure in the finer things in life. This came to light in December 2001 when the striker became the victim12 of a robbery. While he was doing his job for Arsenal on the field, a burglar looted13 his £1.5 million home and made off with £25,000 worth of jewelry and leather coats.
  Football players are not known for their fashion sense14, with the possible exception of David Beckham. These are men who sweat and fight with other men for possession15 of a ball. They get stained16 with grass, have teeth knocked out and bleed from blows to the head via a stray17 elbow or knee. But the bad rap18 may not be deserved. A player like Henry after all, makes a ton of British pounds.
  Henry likes traveling. His favorite holiday destination is the Caribbean, or New York. And perhaps for that matter, he enjoys Caribbean food and Caribbean music. His favorite film is The Usual Suspects and his favorite TV shows are The Fresh  Prince  of  Bel-Air19  and   The Cosby Show20.
  And last, his life motto21 is: “Live day by day, one game at a time.”


简 历
  毫无疑问, 2002-2003赛季是亨利在英格兰最辉煌的时候,他一共进了32粒球,还差那么一点就获得英超金靴奖。但在2003-2004赛季,他为阿森纳队进了30粒球,获得英超金靴奖。

  最后,他的人生格言是:“ 日子一天一天地过,球要一场一场地踢。”


1. poll    n. 投票
2. successive  adj.  连续的
3. swap  v. 交换
4. First Division Monaco 法国摩纳哥队一队
5. miserable  adj. 痛苦的, 悲惨的
6. round [raund]  n. [体]一轮
7. wing   n. [足球] 边锋位置
8. striker  n. [足球]前锋
9. miss out on  错过
10. scary    adj. 可怕的
11. spotlight   n.  聚光灯;公众注意的中心
12. victim   n.  受害人
13. loot   v. 洗劫
14. sense [sens]  n. 感觉, 判断力
15. possession n. 拥有, 占有
16. stain [stein]  v. 弄脏
17. stray [strei]  adj. 偏离的
18. rap   n. 指责
19. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air :  NBC的电视剧《贝莱尔的新鲜王子》
20. The Cosby Show: 《考斯比秀》,由美国著名的喜剧演员、作家、电视主持人、作曲家和制片人考斯比制作的系列电视节目,1984年开播,被电视指南杂志评为历史上最伟大的电视节目之一。
21. motto  n. 座右铭