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Relax Eating Western|享用西餐 轻松搞定

As more and more Western restaurants open in Chinese cities, don't be surprised if your parents take you to eat at one for some special days.
  Western style meals usually contain several courses, several in turn. If you have the chance to become a guest in foreign friends' home, please remember the following table manners.
1. The  host  will  tell  you  where  to  sit  or you should ask.
2. Wait for others to start eating.
3. Food  is  passed  to  the  right  during  family meals.
4. Try  a  little  of everything—do not just take a lot of one thing.
5. If you do not want something, just pass it on. If you are asked, reply, “It looks good, but I don't think I will have any, thank you”.
6. Keep  the  table  and  tablecloth  as  clean as possible. Do not put bones or anything on the table. Things that are not eaten should be put on your plate.
7. Do  not  talk  with food in your mouth! Wait until you have swallowed everything before talking.
8. Do not burp1! It is considered rude.
9. Keep  quiet  when  you  are  eating  soup or having noodles.
10. Do   not   reach  across the table or in front of someone to get something—that is rude. Ask them to pass it to you.
11. Do not leave your seat without saying anything. If you need to leave the table to go to the bathroom or do something, say, “Excuse me for a moment, please”.
12. Enjoy   your   food, but  talk  too. Eating  a meal with others is about enjoying yourself and communicating with other people.
13. Watch  how  fast  others are eating. Try not to be too slow or too fast—keep up with their pace.
14. When you finish eating, say “What a delicious meal! Thank you so much”. Wait for everyone to finish before leaving the table.

4. 每道菜都品尝一下,不要一个劲儿只吃一样。
5. 不想要某个菜的话,就传给别人。如果有人问,你可以说:“这个菜看起来不错,不过我不需要,谢谢。”

7.  嘴里有东西的时候可不要说话!等到咽下去之后再交谈。
8.  切忌打嗝!这样可就失礼了。
10. 想要什么的话手不要越过桌子或伸到别人面前去,这样很无礼。可以请别人递给你。
11. 不要不打招呼就离座。如果你有事或想去洗手间,可以说:“不好意思,我去一下就来。”
12. 尽情享受美味,不过也别忘了交谈。和他人共餐要自己尽兴,也要和别人交流。
13. 注意看别人的进餐速度,与他们保持一致,不要吃得太慢或太快。
14. 享用完毕可以说:“这顿饭美味之极!多谢了。”然后要等所有人结束之后才能离座。


1. Butter knife 黄油刀
2. For bread, butter 面包、黄油碟
3. Soup spoon 汤勺
4. Seafood fork 海鲜叉
5. Seafood knife 海鲜刀
6. Salad fork 沙拉叉
7. For main course 正餐刀
8. Decoration plate 看盘
9. Soup bowl 汤碗
10. 11. For dessert 甜品勺、叉
12.  For water 水杯
13. For champagne 香槟酒杯
14. For red wine 红葡萄酒杯
15. For white wine 白葡萄酒杯