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Man and bird|人与鸟

Two years ago, in November, when I was digging in the garden, I became aware of1 a bird following my activities closely. I tried to make friends with him. I gave him small worms2. They were an immediate success. Soon the bird followed me wherever I went, and always after he had been fed he would express his satisfaction with a burst3 of song.
  During the winter I would come down4 in the morning, open the front door and give a whistle to which he had grown used. At once he would fly up from the bottom of the garden, come into5 the house on to my knee, and eat the worms. This continued all through the winter. Then one day in early spring, I gave the usual signal and he flew up from the bottom of the garden but stopped half-way and I saw another bird follow him. Oh, he had got a wife. After a short time he flew to the doorstep6 and stopped again, looking back. He called to her without response. He tried again, but there was still no response, so he flew into the house and on to my knee, and looked up at me, as if to say, “You'll have to excuse her, she's a bit shy.” Then he took a worm and flew down to her. The hen7 bird saw him coming and quivered8 her wings in the manner of a young bird waiting to be fed. He gave her the worm and repeated the journey three times before eating his own meal.



1. be aware of意识到
2. worm   n. 蠕虫,蚯蚓
3. burst   n. 突然的举动
4. come down 从一处到另一处
5. come into 开始;进入

6. doorstep   n. 门阶
7. hen [hen]  n. 母鸡;雌鸟
8. quiver  v. 颤抖,振动