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A masterpiece is born|杰作的诞生

Conversation between Poet and Wife

  “You're an idiot1 who thinks he's a genius, understand?”
  “I understand, honey, but why throw it in my face? Don't I have the right to console myself a little by thinking I'm a genius?”
  “I can't stand it any longer...”
  “Please don't cry, honey; you make me feel miserable2. It's true, I think myself a genius but I've never told anyone.”
  “Are you going to put an ad3 in the paper saying you're a genius? You don't have to advertise it. It's quite obvious4 in everything you do, even in the way you blow your cigarette smoke. You look down on everyone, consider them beneath you. You walk, cough and sneeze5 like a genius.”
  “Who does my being a genius harm?”
  “Me. Our home. Our children. The government doesn't provide a salary for everyone who thinks he's a genius. When I say I'm a genius's wife they won't give me food free at the grocer's6. It's winter and we still haven't been able to buy wood and coal. And my slippers leak7.”
  “Please don't cry, honey. I'm not idle8. I work all the time. I've already had four books of poems published.”
  “Hmph! It wouldn't help if it were forty-four!”
  “As if I don't suffer for this too! Don't I want to write my masterpiece and win fame, have my books sell by the tens of thousands, be translated into every language, and become rich? Fame and fortune! Some day they'll most certainly come! Only being a genius isn't enough. As long as there are no earth-shaking9 events, what can a genius do? I'm awaiting some great event which will affect me, that will inspire10 me, that will throw my spirit into turmoil11 and force me to write my masterpiece. I need great events. You tell me to swim in dishwater12! I can't swim a stroke in an aquarium13. I must have oceans. I'm waiting for  that great happening. But please don't cry anymore, honey. I beg you, don't cry. Grit your teeth14 a little longer; a little more patience. I await that great event which will create a tempest15 in my spirit. Have a little more patience, honey.”


  “求你不要哭,  亲爱的,你令我感到难过。是的,我觉得自己是天才,可我从来没对任何人说过。”


1. idiot n. 白痴,愚人
2. miserable  adj. 痛苦的,悲惨的
3. ad= advertisement   n. 广告  advertise    v.  登广告
4. obvious   adj. 明显的

5. sneeze [sni:z]  v. 打喷嚏
6. grocer   n. 杂货店
7. slippers leak  拖鞋渗水  slipper  n. 拖鞋  leak   v. 漏
8. idle   adj. 空闲的,懒惰的
9. earth-shaking   adj. 惊天动地的
10. inspire   v. 感动,激发
11. turmoil  n. 骚动,混乱
12. dishwater  n. 洗碗水
13. I can't swim a stroke in an aquarium. 我在鱼缸里一下都划不了。
stroke  n. (划船、游泳的)一划 aquarium   n. 养鱼池,玻璃缸

14. grit one's teeth 咬咬牙  grit [grit]  v. 摩擦, 研磨
15. tempest  n. 暴风雨,动乱