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Yang Liwei, China's First Spaceman|中国太空第一人——杨利伟

Profession: Pilot
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
Children: One son
Birth Date: June 21, 1965
Birth City:Suizhong, Liaoning, China
Degree: Bachelor
Affiliation: PLA Air Force

Yang Liwei, China's 38-year-old first man in space, has touched down1 on Oct 16, 2003 in Inner Mongolia2 successfully after covering more than 600,000 kilometers. This expedition into orbit3 aboard Shenzhou-5 marked the entry of China into an elite4 group, consisting only of Russia and the United States, who had the capability5 to launch6 human beings off the planet. Yang's name therefore was placed in history next to those of Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard.
  Shenzhou-5 was launched at 9 a.m., Oct 15. When it entered orbit on schedule, the ground command center received a message sent by Yang from outer space, saying that “everything goes smoothly”. After that, Yang punctuated7 his journey with regular updates8 on his condition—variations of “I feel good”. He spoke to his wife as the Shenzhou-5 started its eighth circuit9 around the Earth, assuring her from space: “I feel very good. Don't worry.” In Shenzhou-5 a rich variety of Chinese food was supplied. Yang ate specially designed packets of shredded10 pork with garlic11 and “eight treasure” rice. Life conditions in Shenzhou-5 just are “about the same as on the earth”.   
  “I feel proud of my motherland,” Yang said right before boarding a helicopter12 on his way to Beijing. They are his first words after successfully landing in Inner Mongolia Thursday following a 21-hour space flight. “The spacecraft13 operated normally. I felt very good,” Yang added. And Yang also said in an interview on the China Central Television Thursday evening that “I did not see the Great Wall from space.” However, he said the Earth looked “very beautiful”.
  Yang was born in June 1965 in Suizhong County of northeast China's Liaoning Province. Friends in his hometown recalled that Yang had dreamed of flying when still a child. He joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) in September 1983 and entered the No. 8 Aviation14 College of the PLA Air Force. Yang graduated in 1987 with the equivalent of15 a bachelor's degree. He became a fighter pilot, accumulating16 1,350 flight-hours by the time of his first spaceflight in 2003.
  In January 1998, Yang was selected as a member of the group of Chinese astronauts17 set to train to fly the Project 921 (later Shenzhou spacecrafts). He was one of 14 chosen from among 1,500 pilot candidates18. The team underwent five years of rigid19 physical, psychological20 and technical training at the Astronaut Training Base in Beijing. The astronauts received lessons in aviation dynamics21, air dynamics, geophysics, meteorology, astronomy22, space navigation23, and the design principles and structure of rockets and spacecrafts. They also received systematic24 training in space flight simulators.
  Yang noted the study was much more difficult than that in college. The astronauts also had to learn survival skills under extreme conditions in case their capsule25 landed anywhere on the earth, on land or sea.
  On September 20, 2003 the 14 astronauts started exercising in the real Shenzhou-5 spacecraft at the Jiuquan Launch Centre. Yang was finally selected in October as one of three finalists to be the country's first astronaut.
  Yang, 168 cm tall, was a lieutenant26 colonel at the time of his first spaceflight. He had an eight-year-old son. His wife, Zhang Yumei, also served in China's space program.
  Yang was first identified as an astronaut in the May 2003 issue of Fliegerrevue. His was one of 12 new names listed as those of Chinese astronauts in training. The day before the scheduled launch of Shenzhou-5, China's first manned flight, he was named in the Hong Kong press as the prime crew member for the flight.

FYI (For Your Information)  
        Yang was preceded into space by the following astronauts either born in China or with Chinese heritage27:
  William Anders (one flight, total time: 6.13 days,  Apollo 8), born in Hong Kong on  October 17, 1933. Certainly the first person born in China to have orbited the moon!
  Shannon Lucid (five flights, total time: 223.12 days, STS-51-G, STS-34, STS-43, STS-58, STS-79), born in Shanghai on  January 14, 1943. She holds the record for the most flight hours in orbit by any woman in the world.  
  Taylor Wang (one flight, total time: 7.01 days, STS-51-B), born in Shanghai on June 16, 1940, an American citizen since 1975.
  Franklin Chang-Diaz (six flights, total time: 52.91 days, STS-61-C, STS-34, STS-46, STS-60, STS-75, STS-91) born in Costa Rica 1950, with some Chinese ancestors28.
  Edward Lu (two flights, total time:    21.02 days, STS-84, STS-106), born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1963.



  香侬·露西德(五次飞行, 总时间:223.12天,分别乘坐STS-51-G,STS-34,STS-43,STS-58,STS-79飞船),1943年1月14日出生于上海。迄今为止仍然保持着女性在太空轨道逗留时间最长的记录。
  爱德华·卢,即卢杰(两次飞行,总时间:21.02天,分别乘坐STS-84, STS-106飞船),1963年出生于马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德。



1. touch down 着陆
2. Mongolia  n. 蒙古
3. orbit  n. 轨道
4. elite  n. 精英
5. capability  n. 能力;能做某事的素质
6. launch  v. 发射

7. punctuate  v. 不时打断
8. update  n. 最新消息
9. circuit  n. 圈
10. shred  v. 切碎
11. garlic  n. 大蒜
12. helicopter  n. 直升机
13. spacecraft  n. 太空船
14. aviation   n. 航空;航空学
15. equivalent   n. 相等的事物
16. accumulate  v. 累积
17. astronaut   n. 宇航员;太空人
18. candidate  n. 候选人
19. rigid   adj. 严格的
20. psychological   adj. 心理(上)的
21. dynamics  n. 力学
22. geophysics  n. 地球物理学                  meteorology  n.气象学        astronomy [?藜?謖str?蘅n?藜mi] n. 天文学
23. navigation  n. 航海,航行
24. systematic   adj. 系统的
25. capsule   n. 太空舱
26. lieutenant   colonel  (空军)中校
27. heritage n. 文化遗产
28. ancestor  n. 祖先