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What Will Your Future Look Like?|画出你的未来

In a brand-new1 survey2, we asked kids around the country how they view their own future—and the world's. The future is a funny thing. Some days it seems so full of promise, other days so full of uncertainty and danger. If only your old Magic 8 Ball could give you some real answers about what lies ahead. As a matter of fact, we're just as curious as you are. That's why we decided to conduct a definitive3 survey on what you think about your future. Our questions covered all the big areas of life: money, health, career, marriage and more. So read on—your future starts now.

Money and Career
Cash Flow: Plenty of you want to be doctors or movie stars. But your career choices are seemingly4 unlimited. Whatever job you end up in, one thing is certain: You plan to make some serious money5 while doing it. Who has the greatest expectations6? Nonwhite teens and younger teens. Girls and older teens, meanwhile, aren't so sure that they'll be able to bring home a big fat paycheck. Hmmm, are they being realistic or pessimistic7?
  97% of all teens surveyed expect to make as much or more money than their parents.
  77% of nonwhite teens feel they'll be in a higher economic class than their parents, compared with 61% of white teens.
  50% of all teens expect to earn at least $50, 000 a year.
  29% of all teens believe they'll make $100, 000 a year or more.

How Do You Spell8 Success?  Despite the fact that teens are constantly bombarded9 with images that equate success with a resounding ka-ching10, most of you don't place money above all else. Says Janice Chen, 17: “When I told my parents that I wanted to be a fashion editor or designer, they were a little hesitant. But when they realized it was something I was interested in, they knew it would be OK. As long as I was happy it didn't matter if I would be successful or rich. Those would just be bonuses11 of a good career.” Of course, you're not completely blind to the lure12 of big bucks13. And guys tend to be more materialistic than girls.
  61% of all teens surveyed define success as doing something you love, no matter how much money you make.
  24% of guys equate success with making lots of money, compared with 17% of girls.
  6% of all teens believe the secret lies in having a family, while another 6% says being happily married is the key.

Bringing Home the Bacon14:  Alas, guys and girls can't seem to agree on this one. The guys tend to fall back into traditional ways of thinking about who the family breadwinner should be (namely, themselves), while the girls say they'll definitely plan to be on equal footing with their future spouse15 or partner. And some girls even go so far as to pooh-pooh16 the couple's lifestyle entirely. “I see myself as a strong single female living alone,” writes one. And she's not alone. Other girls proudly described themselves as “self-sufficient17” women.
  77% of girls envision themselves as one of two equal breadwinners, compared with 42% of guys.
  55% of guys describe themselves as the “main breadwinner in my family,” compared with 15% of girls.
  5% of girls believe they'll be supported by their significant other.

Health And Looks
Body Image: Everyone pretty much assumes18 that teens have low self-esteem19 about their looks, but does that assumption hold up in our survey? Yes and no. Girls want to be thinner, guys want to be fitter. And some think the whole issue is a waste of time. “Why should I care what I look like?” writes one. “I wasn't put here to impress you.” Guys tend to have a better body image than girls. But that leaves a pretty significant percentage of teens who are unhappy with their appearance. “I always find something wrong with the way I look,” writes one girl. “People keep telling me that I'm beautiful. I can't believe they say that. Maybe one day I will realize it.”
  56% of guys say they're comfortable with their bodies right now, compared with 41% of girls.
  39% of girls are most concerned with weight when thinking about their looks, compared with 28% of guys.
  31% of guys are most concerned about fitness when thinking about their looks, compared with 19% of girls.

The Shape of Things to Come: One survey-taker writes that the future will bring about certain changes. “I will not be in the pressure of high school. I will not have to worry about how I look because people will accept me for who I am and how I treat them.” Other teens are banking on20 science and medicine to help them reach their goal of physical perfection: “Ten years from now I'll have access to methods, procedures, supplements and medicines that will help me to be and stay pretty.” Still others say they're ready for whatever physical changes time may throw their way: “Even if in 10 years my skin begins to sag or I get laugh lines all over my face, I'll be stable. I'll be me as long as I can make friends and keep them, not because of my looks, but due to21 my personality.”
  46% of all teens surveyed believe they'll be more confident with how they look in 10 years.
50% of girls say they might consider having plastic surgery22 someday, compared with 32% of guys.
  35% of all teens choose poor health when asked what they fear most about getting older.
  13% of girls choose gaining weight and losing their looks when asked what they fear most about getting older.




挣钱养家。 哎!在这点上男女生可就意见不一啦。男生倾向于回到传统的观念去想谁应该是家里养家糊口的人(也就是他们自己喽),可女生们却斩钉截铁,要与未来的伴侣平起平坐。一些女孩走得更远,对两人世界的生活嗤之以鼻。“我认为自己是个单身女强人,一个人生活足矣。”有一位这样写道。持有这种观点的人大有人在,还有一些女生骄傲地自诩为“自足”女性。


未来情形: 一位被调查者认为未来会带来一些变化:“我不会有高中的压力,不必担心自己的长相,因为人们会根据我怎么为人处世而接纳我这个人。”别的孩子则指望借助科技和医疗手段使自己的外在形象达到完美,他们认为“十年后,我就可以借助各种方法、手段、补品和药物使自己永葆靓丽”。也有人认为不管时间如何改变外貌,他们都有心理准备:“即使十年后我的皮肤松弛、脸上满是笑纹,我也会泰然处之。我还是我,只要我还能交朋友、维持彼此的友谊,不是因为长相而是因为个性。”



1. brand-new 崭新的
2. survey   n. 调查
3. definitive  adj. 确定的,权威性的
4. seemingly  adv. 表面上
5. serious money 一大笔钱
6. expectation   n. 展望,期望
7. pessimistic  adj. 悲观的
8. spell [spel]  v. 解除疑惑,理解
9. bombard   v. 炮轰,轰击
10. equate  v. 等同
resounding adj. 响亮的  ka-ching为象声词,指点钞机发出的咔喳声,这里是很多钱的意思。
11. bonus   n. 奖金
12. lure  n. 诱惑
13. buck   n. (口)美钞
14. bacon   n. 咸肉 bacon和bread这里都是钱的代名词。
15. spouse [spauz]  n. 配偶
16. pooh-pooh   v. 呸(藐视,嘲笑)
17. sufficient  adj. 充分的,足够的
18. assume   v. 认为 assumption  n. 设想,想法
19. self-esteem  n. 自尊,自大
20. bank on 指望

21. due to 因为
22. plastic surgery 整容手术