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Boys:Friends or Enemy?|男孩:是敌还是友?

Boys can seem like totally unimaginable alien creatures1 that are difficult to understand and even harder to get to know. Some girls think of boys as the enemy—the kind that chases them at recess2, teases3 them at the bus stop, or cuts ahead of them in the lunch line. But, if girls are lucky, they might even count boys among their friends.
  “I do have some friends who are boys. I can talk to them and ask them things and they can do the same with me. I like this because then I can see a different point of view from a different gender4. I have always wanted to have a boy friend who I can tell secrets to and I'd be able to trust him. But I don't think I'd want to go out with him,” says Christine.
  Are boys and girls different? Duh! Of course they are. There are many physical differences between boys and girls, as well as differences at the rate5 and ways their bodies and minds grow and change. For example, you may have noticed that girls tend to mature6 faster than boys. The girls you know probably learned to read earlier and mastered math concepts7 sooner than your boy classmates. Maybe right now there are quite a few girls in your class that tower over the boys. These differences are a result of the natural way our bodies and brains grow.
  But there are other, less visible8 ways that boys and girls differ. These differences are not so much because of the way boys and girls are born, but the way the world treats each sex and what it expects of them.


  If you're a girl, you may have noticed that making friends and being friends with a boy is different than being friends with a girl.
Have you ever wondered why? Experts who are looking at the ways boys and girls develop and grow up now believe that both girl and boy babies come into the world wanting the same thing: relationships. For example, both boys and girls are born with an intense strong desire to connect with their mothers, and the other people around them. But at about age four or five, boys begin to get sidetracked9. They start getting the message from movies, TV, video games, and other influences that to be a strong boy—one that's going to grow to be a stronger man—their relationships are not as important as being independent and aggressive10. Have you ever noticed the way some boys show off? Like to be in charge? Won't admit to feeling weak? With boys, it's important to remember that what you see on the outside does not always match with what they're feeling on the inside.
  The researchers who study the way boys and girls grow up think that many of the differences we see between boys and girls reflect11 the differences in the ways we are brought up, not in our biology. Those very real—although learned—differences, though, make us curious about each other. Most girls really do want to get to know boys better. (And vice versa12, too!)
  And there's so much to understand about one another! At recess, for example, during a basketball game between boys and girls, Christine has watched how the boys don't really pass to each other—they'd rather make the basket and get the glory for themselves!
  “Usually we play boys against the girls. Then we don't have to pick teams and no one will be picked last. That wouldn't be fair. The boys say, 'Let's pick teams.' But the girls say, 'Let's not.' Sometimes on my soccer team we'll scrimmage13 boys the same age group as the girls, but not in the same division. They always try and show off in front of the girls, trying to do a good move, and they mess up14. They try to score goals, kick it as hard as they can, they don't really play well together. They're trying to be the best and show off, so the girls win. Last year we always used to scrimmage with the boys and we never lost to them. We'd usually win or tie...we have to shake hands afterward and sometimes the boys would try to slap15 your hand really hard,” explains Christine.
  The most common place for girls and boys to have contact, of course, is in school. Let's face it, unless you go to an all girls' or all boys' school, most girls and boys are stuck in classrooms together for six hours a day. Often, they have no choice but to get to know each other.






1. alien [?謖eili?藜n] adj. 怪异的    
  creature [?謖kri?蘼t?蘩?藜] n. 生物
2. chase [t?蘩eis] v. 追赶 
   recess [ri?謖ses] n. 休息
3. tease [ti?蘼z] v. 嘲弄
4. gender [?謖d?廾end?藜] n. 性别
5. rate[reit]  n. 速度
6. mature [m?藜?謖tju?藜] v. 成熟
7. concept [?謖k?蘅nsept] n. 概念
8. visible [?謖vizibl] adj. 可看见的
9. sidetrack [?謖saidtr?覸k] v. 走支路

10.aggressive [?謖?藜gresiv] adj. 进攻性的
11.reflect [ri?謖flekt] v. 反映
12.vice versa [?謖vaisi ?謖v?藜?蘼s?藜] 反之亦然
13.scrimmage [?謖skrimid?廾] v. 混战
14.mess up把……弄得一团糟
15.slap [sl?覸p] v.掴,拍