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Stephen Hawking: World's Most Famous Physicist Ali

Stephen Hawking, the world-renowned scientist, author of A Brief History of Time, paid a two-week visit to China in August 2002. He was in China to attend the opening of a state-of-the-art1 mathematics institute at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. He also went to Beijing and gave a speech at Beijing International Convention2 Centre.
  Stephen Hawking is considered the most outstanding3 theoretical4 physicist after Albert Einstein. He was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England. When he was eight, his family moved to St. Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At eleven Stephen went to St. Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father's old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available5 at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree6 in Natural Science.
  Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology7, because no one worked in that area in Oxford at the time. After gaining his Ph.D., he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial8 Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy9 in 1973, Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics10, which was held by Isaac Newton in 1663. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society11 and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences12.
  Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. He is particularly interested in unifying13 General Relativity Theory14 and Quantum15 Theory to study black holes. He believes that black holes should not be completely black, but should give out radiation16 and eventually17 evaporate18 and disappear.
  A giant19 of science sitting on the wheel, Stephen Hawking has suffered from a serious disease for nearly forty years. In 1963, he was diagnosed20 as having an incurable disease-ALS21. Up to 1974, he was able to feed himself, and get in and out of bed. However, since his condition was getting worse, he and his wife took to having one of his research students living with them. In return for free accommodation22, and a lot of his attention, the students helped him get up and go to bed. In 1980, they changed to a system of community23 and private nurses, who came in for an hour or two in the morning and evening. In 1985, he caught pneumonia24 and had an operation. After the operation, he lost his ability to speak altogether. For a time, the only way he could communicate was to spell out words letter by letter, by raising his eyebrows25 when someone pointed to the right letter on a spelling card. A computer expert in California heard of his plight26 and sent him a special computer programme. This allowed him to select words from a series27 of menus on the screen, by pressing a switch28 in his hand. When he built up what he wanted to say, he could send it to a speech synthesizer29. At first, he just ran the programme on a desk top computer. Then, a communication expert at Cambridge fitted30 a small portable31 computer and a speech synthesizer to his wheel chair. This system allowed him to communicate much better than he could before. He could manage up to 15 words a minute. Using that system, he has written a book, and dozens of scientific papers. He has also given many scientific and popular talks. They have all been well received. The only trouble with the speech synthesizer was that it gave him an American accent32.
  Here are some answers to the questions put to Professor Hawking by journalists and the public in China:

Q:Why do you feel you have been given celebrity33 status34 as a scientist? Do you think your disability has a bearing35 on that?
A:I'm sure my disability has a bearing on why I'm well known. People are fascinated36 by the contrast37 between my very limited physical powers and the vast nature of the universe I deal with. I'm the archetype38 of a disabled genius39, or should I say a physically challenged40 genius. At least I'm obviously physically challenged. Whether I'm a genius is more open to doubt.

Q:How do you deal with the way you are described all the time by journalists?
A:I don't pay much attention to how journalists describe me. I know it is media hype41. They need an Einstein-like figure to appeal to42. But for them to compare me to Einstein is ridiculous43. They don't understand either Einstein's work or mine.

Q:How did you first become interested in Physics and why?
A:I was always interested in science and how things worked. From about the age of 15 I concentrated44 on physics because I felt it was the most fundamental45 of the sciences.

Q:Can the study of Physics take you beyond physical limitations?
A:Of course. Physics can take one beyond one's limitations, like any other mental activity46. The human race is so puny47 compared to the universe that being disabled is not of much cosmic48 significance.

Q:What would your advice be to another disabled person wanting to be a physicist?
A:I can recommend Theoretical Physics as a career for a disabled person. Of course, they would have to be interested in physics and fairly good at it.

Q:Wouldn't you rather have been a bus driver or something?
A:I never wanted to be a bus driver but I did fancy49 being prime minister. However, I'm glad I left the job for Tony. I prefer physics to shaking hands and I feel my work may last rather better than his.










1. state-of-the-art   adj. 当前的,新型的
2. convention  n. 会议
3. outstanding  adj. 突出的, 显著的
4. theoretical   adj. 理论的
5. available   adj. 可用到的, 可利用的
6. honours degree   n. 学业优秀的荣誉学位
7. cosmology  n. 宇宙论
8. professorial   adj. 教授级的
9. astronomy   n. 天文学
10. Lucasian Professor of Mathematics卢卡斯数学教授 (剑桥大学最受人尊敬的数学教授职位,曾为牛顿担任。)
11. the Royal Society  英国皇家学会
12. the US National Academy of Sciences  美国科学院
13. unify  v. 统一, 使成一体
14. General Relativity Theory  广义相对论
15. quantum   n. 量子
16. radiation   n. 辐射
17. eventually  adv. 最后, 终于
18. evaporate  v. 蒸发
19. giant   n. 巨人
20. diagnose  v. 诊断
21. ALS: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis的简称,肌萎缩性侧索硬化
22. accommodation  n. 住宿
23. community  n. 团体
24. pneumonia  n. 肺炎
25. eyebrow  n. 眉毛
26. plight [plait] n. 困境
27. series   n. 连续, 系列
28. switch  n. 开关
29. synthesizer   n. 合成器
30. fit [fit] v. 安装
31. portable   adj. 便携式的
32. accent   n. 口音
33. celebrity  n. 名声,名望
34. status   n. 身份, 地位
35. bearing   n.关系,常用于have a bearing on sth. 结构中
36. fascinate   v. 使着迷
37. contrast    n. 对比
38. archetype  n. 典型
39. genius   n. 天才
40. challenge  v. 向……挑战
41. hype [haip] n.(煤体)宣传,炒作
42. appeal   to sth./sb.  求助于
43. ridiculous  adj. 荒谬的, 可笑的
44. concentrate  v. 集中
45. fundamental  adj. 基础的
46. activity   n. 行动
47. puny  adj. 渺小的,微不足道的
48. cosmic  adj. 宇宙的,巨大的
49. fancy  v. 设想,想象