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Diana & the Queen|戴安娜与女王

On the morning of August 31, 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, died in a Paris car accident when she and her lover were trying to escape a crowd of paparazzi1.
  The Queen was stunned at the tragic news when she was awakened in the early hours of the morning. While others in the royal family had long since given up on Diana, Elizabeth had held some fondness and sympathy for her daughter-in-law. She saw Diana's death as a terrible waste.
  Crowds surged2 through the streets of London mourning the Princess. It was easy for people to think of Diana only as a princess, someone totally unlike the rest of us. But within the royal family she was an all-too human relative. She doted3 on her sons, William and Harry. She loved and fought with Prince Charles. And she had a complicated4 relationship with the Queen, her mother-in-law. She viewed the Queen as a mom and an old woman who was out to get her.
  Diana's marriage had not been arranged, as she said, “It was Charles and I who decided on the marriage. Not the Queen. Us. No one else.” But without the Queen's nod, no proposal5 would have been made. However, the Prince was worried. “I'm terrified sometimes of making a promise and then perhaps living to regret it,” he said. When the question came, it was a question itself— “If I were to ask, what do you think you might say?” Giggling6, Diana replied, “Yeah, okay.” Charles then telephoned his mother with the news.
  The engagement was announced on February 24, 1981, and Diana soon moved into Buckingham Palace. The Queen believed her future daughter-in-law knew what was expected of her, “I trust that Diana will find living here less of a burden than is expected.”
  In fact Diana had no idea of what to expect — and from the beginning she found royal life an extraordinary burden. She swam most mornings in the Palace pool, made herself busy with wedding plans, and took dance and exercise classes. The rest of time she simply sat around, bored and irritable7.
  Pent-up8 and lonely, Diana began making herself ill in these early months, the first signs of bulimia9. Several times a day, she visited the kitchen, filling a bowl with corn flakes and fruit, adding sugar and soaking it all in cream. Afterward she would go to the bathroom and make herself sick. Her mood became changeable, and Charles drew much of her fire. Why, she asked, was he not spending more time with her?
  The Queen contributed10 Diana's behavior to a bad case of “nerves”, concluding that she needed time to settle in. Left to struggle through, Diana did so, barely. After one particularly difficult time in June 1981, when the Prince was traveling, she broke down. Following Prince Andrew's 21st birthday party, she got into her car at 5:30 a.m. and drove from London to her family home, over an hour away. She poured out her heart to her father — she was calling off the engagement. It was probably just the pressure, advised her father, things would get easier once she was married.
  By Sunday night Diana was back in Buckingham Palace, acting as if nothing had happened.
  Most brides greatly enjoy themselves in the first weeks of marriage. Instead, during her honeymoon trip in the Mediterranean, Diana became violently ill with bulimia. She had big fights now and then with Charles. They had to go back. The Prince sent for a doctor, the first of many who would try to help.
  “All the analysts11 and psychiatrists12 you could ever dream of came plodding13 in to sort me out.” Diana recalled.
  The Queen seemed to have a natural sympathy for Diana. She was understanding of Diana's difficulties. For a time Diana saw the Queen's support as a source of great comfort. “I have the best mother-in-law in the world,” she once said.
  But the Queen's kindness could not bridge the distance between Diana and Charles. Diana was just into her 20s, with zero experience in romance. Charles had several significant love affairs behind him. Diana began calling at Buckingham Palace seeking guidance14 from her mother-in-law and usually left in a lot better mood. At first, the Queen was patient of these unexpected visits. In time, though, Elizabeth came to fear the meetings, because Diana often “cried nonstop.”
  The June 1992 publication of the bestseller Diana, Her True Story came as a shock to the Queen. It painted a picture of a cold royal family. Although she was not quoted directly, it was clear Diana helped with the book. The Queen knew well how unhappy her daughter-in-law was, but never imagined Diana would do such a thing. In most families, this behavior would have meant the immediate end of the marriage, but the Queen ordered a six-month cooling-off period. Charles agreed. So did Diana.
  Yet as the Princess increasingly went her own way—once she questioned on TV if Charles had the moral15 character to be king—her marriage came to an end. Diana and Charles were divorced16 in 1996, after having separated for about four years. Less than a year later, she was dead.
  Through all of this, Diana brought to the public an attracting image17 of beauty and love. She had a real sympathy for the ill and troubled. She could kneel to comfort a sick child and look as if she meant it. That's why the public never stopped adoring18 her.
  Elizabeth also saw the good that Diana could do for the monarchy19. Yet Diana was the one person the Queen never learned to handle. She reacted badly to criticism—any blame by the Queen was taken as an example of the whole family's attack on her. Neither patience nor the silent displeasure Elizabeth had used with withering20 power made any impression on Diana. In the end, not knowing it, the Queen allowed Diana to run out of control. The Princess's psychological21 problems, and the Queen's strict propriety22, finally ended their relationship.
  Marrying into the House of Windsor today is certainly no fairy tale. Looking back on her children's broken marriages (Charles, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew have all gone through divorce), the Queen would come to wonder if she had failed in her duty as a mother. Or, as she once asked, “Where did we go wrong?”

     新婚的最初几个星期新娘们大都开开心心,而黛安娜在地中海的蜜月旅行中却犯了严重的暴食症。她不时地和王子大吵大闹, 结果他们只好中途返回。王子请来了医生,他是尽心尽力的第一位。
     1992年6月,畅销书《黛安娜 ——真实的故事》给了女王当头一棒。这本书描绘了一幅冷漠的皇室家族的众生相,虽然书中并没有直接引用黛安娜的话,但此书显然有黛安娜的参与。女王深知她的儿媳是多么地不开心,可做梦也没想到她会这么做。对多数家庭来说,这一行为意味着婚姻的突然死亡,不过女王要求他们冷处理半年。查尔斯同意了,黛安娜也没有异议。

1. paparazzi  n. 狗仔队
2. surge   v. 汹涌
3. dote   v. 溺爱
4. complicated   adj. 复杂的
5. proposal   n. 求婚
6. giggle  v. 咯咯地笑
7. irritable  adj. 易怒的,急躁的
8. pent-up  adj. 幽闭的,被压抑的
9. bulimia   n. 易饿病
10. contribute to 归因于……
11. analyst  n. 分析家
12. psychiatrist   n. 精神病学家
13. plod   v. 辛勤工作
14. guidance  n. 指导
15. moral  adj. 道德的
16. divorce   v. 离婚
17. image   n. 形象,典型
18. adore   v. 崇拜,爱慕
19. monarchy  n. 君主政体
20. wither   v. 使畏缩
21. psychological  adj. 心理(上)的
22. propriety   n. 礼节,规矩