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10 Tips for Studying to Music|边听音乐边学习10贴士

Ask ten people whether or not you should listen to music while studying, and you'll probably get ten different responses1.  But the fact is that some of you do like to have the music on while you're doing homework.  How do you keep that music from interfering2?  Follow these suggestions:

· Play something that is on the mellow3 side.  If the music makes you want to play the drums4 on your book, it's going to be too distracting5.

· Turn down the volume6.  You are looking for background music, not something you need to shout to be heard over.

· Pick your music before you start to study, then leave it alone.  The time you waste picking out new music and changing CD's could be put to better use studying.

· If you're studying in the same room as somebody else, be considerate7 and wear headphones.

It can sometimes be difficult to memorize things if you are listening to a song with lyrics8.  Try to find something that is strictly instrumental9.

· If you do have to memorize a list of some kind, some people find it helps to make up a song using the items on the list.  Again, listen to an instrumental piece of music, and put your lyrics to it.

· Put on some music that is familiar to you so you won't want to listen so intently10.  Save your new CD for another time.

· Try not to become so dependent11 on studying to music that you can't study without it. Every once in a while, study in a quiet place.

· Only study to the radio if you can be sure that you won't be listening to a lot of talking, commercials12, or news, and if you know what kind of music you'll be listening to.

· If you find the music distracting at any time, turn it off.  Some people can get so defensive13 about studying to music that they will keep it on even if it gets to be a hindrance14.


1. 播放轻柔的音乐。如果听着音乐让你情不自禁地在书页上打拍子,那么这种音乐就太让人分心了。

2. 调小音量。你需要的是背景音乐,而不是嘈杂得淹没说话声的音乐。

3. 学习之前就挑选好音乐,然后任其播放。与其在挑选音乐、更换CD上花时间倒不如去学习。

4. 如果室内还有别人在学习,要体贴别人,戴上耳机。

5. 如果确实要背诵清单表格之类的东西,有些人发现将清单上的项目编成歌曲有助记忆——然后听一首乐器演奏的音乐,填上你自已的歌词。

6. 播放自己熟悉的音乐,这样你不必认真地听,新CD留到以后再说。

7. 尽量不要过分依赖音乐,不要弄得没有音乐就不能学习似的。时不时在安静的地方学习。

8. 至于学习的时候听收音机,听之前最好确信你不会去听收音机中的谈话节目、广告和新闻,而且你知道收音机中将要播放什么样的音乐——此时你才可以边听收音机边学习。

9. 如果发现音乐分散了你的注意力,随时关掉。有些人对边听音乐边学习有一种袒护心理,所以即使音乐妨碍了学习,也会让音乐继续播放下去(这样不好)。



1. response n.反应
2. interfere  v.妨碍
3. mellow  adj.轻柔的
4. play the drum打鼓、打拍子
5. distracting  adj.分散注意力的
6. volume  n.音量
7. considerate  adj.考虑周全的
8. lyrics n.歌词
9. instrumental  adj.乐器的
10. intently  adv.专心地
11. dependent  adj.依赖的
12. commercial  n.广告
13. defensive adj.保护的,袒护的
14. hindrance  n.妨碍