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a legendary life of the“queen mother“|英国王太后的传奇一生

  Her favourite grandson, Prince Charles, called her “the most wonderful example of fun.” She enjoyed gin and Dubonnet2, as well as champagne3, planned official engagements round the horse-racing calendar and expressed an ambition4 to become Britain's oldest woman.

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother of Britain died on March 30, just a little over four months short of her 102nd birthday.
  Lady5 Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Boews-Lyon was born in 1900, when Queen Victoria was still living. Her family was descended6 from the royal house of Scotland. In 1923 Elizabeth married Bertie, the second son of George Ⅴ. At first, she turned down7 the shy man, unsure whether she wanted to marry into the duties of the royal house.
  Her first daughter, born in 1926, was also named Elizabeth, who is now the reigning8 queen. The second daughter, Margaret, came four years later.
  In 1936, George V died, and his first son became the king Edward Ⅷ who, however, abdicated9 soon afterwards because he wanted to marry a divorced10 American woman Mrs. Simpson. Bertie ascended the throne11 as George Ⅵ, and was crowned12 with Elizabeth at his side the following year.
  At the outbreak of World War Ⅱ in 1939, the queen refused to leave England for safety. She and the young princesses stayed in London to share the dangers instead of being shipped off to Canada. This earned her respect and admiration. The German dictator13 Adolf Hitler was so shocked14 by the queen's courage that he told his men: “This is the most dangerous woman in Europe.”
  After Buckingham Palace suffered a direct hit, she commented15: “I'm glad we've been bombed. It makes me feel I can look the East End in the face16.”London's poor and poorly defended East End had suffered badly in blitz17.
  George Ⅵ died of lung cancer in 1952, and their first daughter ascended the throne as Elizabeth Ⅱ. The senior Elizabeth took the title18 Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. Later she said she was happy to be known simply as “Queen Mum”.
  Independent19, sociable20 and charming21, the Queen Mum held firmly to22 traditional things and was resistant23 to change. Many of her staff had been with her for half a century.
  Her favourite grandson, Prince Charles, called her “the most wonderful example of fun”. She enjoyed gin and Dubonnet as well as champagne, planned official engagements round the horse-racing calendar and expressed an ambition to become Britain's oldest woman.
  Her birthday appearances on August 4 were televised around the world every year outside her London home at Clarence House. Her public 100th birthday party was a celebration of everything that is colourful in Britain. A cast24 of 7000, including celebrities25, military bands, 1000 troops, a massed choir26, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, 100 horses, five camels, bulls, sheep, chickens and her two pet dogs joined the parade. She and Prince Charles sat in the warm summer sun enjoying themselves.
  Her efforts in making contact with27 the younger royals28, born more than half a century after her, kept the links with the past strong. The new generations kept her young, and she kept them royal.

        ( Adapted From South China Morning Post)

  1936年乔治五世去世,由长子继任国王,是为爱德华八世。然而没有多久,这位国王要同一个离了婚的美国女人辛普森夫人结婚,宣布退位。于是伯尔梯继位,是为乔治六世。他于第二年加冕为英王, 伊丽莎白成了王后。


1. legendary  adj.传奇般的
2. gin    n.杜松子酒;    Dubonnet         n.杜博尼酒
3. champagne n.香槟酒
4. ambition n.抱负
5. lady 此处用来作女性贵族的专称
6. descended from 作为……后裔
7. turn down 拒绝
8. reigning  adj.当朝的(君王)
9. abdicate  v.逊位
10. divorced  adj.离了婚的
11. ascend the throne (君王)即位
12. crown [kraun] v.加冕

13. dictator  n.独裁者
14. shocked adj.受到震惊的
15. comment  v.评论
16. look...in the face 直接看到;直面
17. blitz [blits] n.闪电式的猛烈空袭
18. title  n.称号,头衔
19. independent  adj.独立的,有主见的
20. sociable  adj.善交际的,和蔼可亲的
21. charming  adj.有魅力的
22. hold to 坚持(原则、观点)
23. (be) resistant to 对……反抗
24. cast  n.演员
25. celebrity  n.知名人士
26. choir  n.(教会的)唱诗班
27. make contact  with 与……联系
28. royal  n.王室的一员