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Life in the country|乡村生活

If I could make a change in my life I would live far far out in the country. That  way I could realize my dream to run an animal shelter1. The shelter I would own would be “no-kill” 2 shelters. The only way an animal would die in my shelter would be if it were  really suffering or old and in pain, and nothing could be done to help it3. I would collect all the “death row”4 animals from shelters all over the city and bring the animals to my roomy5 country shelter.
  I could house6 many diffe-
rent animals such  as  dogs, cats, birds, pigs, cows, horses, rabbits and any other animal in need of my help. As soon as I receive the animal, I would size up7 its needs and decide if it should be adopted8 by an older person, people with kids, people with lots of room, or people with other animals. I would give them all their shots9 and check them for diseases such as rabies10.
  After evaluating11 and photographing each animal, I would type a summary12 of the animal's information and put it on my web site. If a person were interested in one of my animals they would contact my web site. I would then interview them to make sure they made a good match13.
  I would try to pay for all the animals' expenses by asking for contributions14 from companies that sell animal care products like dog food and dog treats15. I would trade local veterinarians16 my help for their medical support for my animals. I would also charge a small fee with each animal adoption.
  Ever  since  I  was born I've had animals around me. Through my life so far I've owned four dogs, a turtle, tadpoles17, mice, hermit crab18, birds, and a   rabbit. I   have   also nursed a baby squirrel back to life. I've appreciated19  animals  ever since I was a very little girl. I have seen on the news what some  people can do to  their  own  pets, like  abuse20 and neglect21, and I want to be able to help those animals in need.


1. shelter  n.避难所
2. no-kill adj.不杀生的
3. “The only way... be done to help it.”“在我的避难所里,动物死亡只是因为它们真的病得很厉害,年老,忍受着病痛,而且我对它们也无能为力。”
4. death row 这里指“属于等待淘汰之列的”意思
5. roomy  adj.宽敞的
6. house v.收藏
7. size up 估计……的大小(或多少)
8. adopt  v.收养
9. shot  n.照片
10.rabies  n.狂犬病
11.evaluate  v.对……估价
12.summary  n.总结
13.match n.(很相配的)一对
14.contribution  n.捐款
15.treat n.甜点
16.trade v.做交易,交换  veterinarian  n.兽医  这句话的意思是“我会为当地的兽医提供帮助,以换取他们为我的动物们提供治疗。”
17.tadpole n.蝌蚪
18.hermit crab 寄居蟹
19.appreciate  v.喜欢
20.abuse  n.虐待
21.neglect n.忽视