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The man behind the mouse|米老鼠之父迪斯尼

Da Vinci No.2
  During a 43-year Hollywood career, which spanned1 the development of the movie industry as a modern American art, Walter Elias Disney established himself and his product as a genuine2 part of American culture. David Low, the late British political cartoonist3, called Disney “the most significant figure in graphic arts4 since Leonardo.”
  Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse and founder5 of Disneyland Park and the Walt Disney World Resort6, along with members of his staff, received more than 950 honors during his lifetime from every nation in the world, including 48 Academy Awards.

Self-made Success
  Walt Disney was born in Chicago, Illinois, on December 5, 1901. His father, Elias Disney, was an Irish-Canadian. His mother, Flora Call Disney, was German-American. Walt was one of five children, four boys and a girl.
  Raised on a farm near Marceline, Missouri, Walt early became interested in drawing, selling his first sketches7 to neighbors when he was only seven years old. At McKinley High School in Chicago, Disney divided his attention between drawing and photography, contributing8 to the school paper. At night he attended an academy of fine arts.
  During the fall of 1918, Disney tried to join the army. But only sixteen years of age, Walt joined the Red Cross and was sent overseas, where he spent a year driving an ambulance9 and for Red Cross officials. His ambu lance was covered all over with Disney cartoons. Quite unusual.
  After the war, Walt returned to Kansas City, where he began his career as an advertising10 cartoonist. Here, in 1920, he created and marketed his first original11 animated12 cartoons, and later perfected a new method by combining live action and animation.
  In August of 1923, Walt Disney left Kansas City for Hollywood with nothing but a few drawing materials, $40 in his pocket and a completed animated fairy tale subject. Walt's elder brother, Roy O. Disney, was already in California, with an immense13 amount of sympathy and encouragement, and $250. Combining their resources, they borrowed an additional $500, and set up a shop in their uncle's garage. Soon, they received an order from New York for the first Alice in Cartoonland featurette14, and the brothers expanded their production operation to the rear15 of a Hollywood office.

Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck

creation of Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie (1928). Steamboat Willie was the first fully synchronized17 sound cartoon and featured18 Disney as the voice of a character first called “Mortimer Mouse.” Disney's wife, Lillian, suggested that Mickey sounded better and Disney agreed.
  Living a plain life, he reinvested profits19 to make better pictures. His insistence on technical perfection and his unusual gifts as story editor quickly pushed his firm ahead. The invention of such cartoon characters as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minnie, and Goofy combined with the daring and creative20 use of music, sound, and folk material (as in The Three Little Pigs) made the Disney shorts of the 1930s a worldwide success. The success led to the establishment of profitable, Disney-controlled business in advertising, publishing, and franchised21 goods, which helped shape popular taste for nearly 40 years.
  Disney rapidly expanded his studio to include a training school where a whole new generation of animators developed, which made it possible the production of the first feature-length22 cartoon, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). Produced at the unheard cost of $1,499,000 during the depths of the Depression23, the film is still considered one of the everlasting monuments of the motion picture industry. Other costly animated features followed, including Pinocchio, Bambi, and the famous musical experiment Fantasia.
  Disney's 1945 feature, the musical The Three Caballeros, combined live action with the cartoon, a skill he used successfully in such other features as Song of the South and the highly praised Mary Poppins. In all, more than 100 features were produced by his studio.

  Walt's curious mind and sharp sense for education through entertainment resulted in the  award-winning True-Life   Adventure series. Through such films as The Living Desert, The African Lion, and White Wilderness, Disney brought fascinating insights24 into the world of wild animals and taught the importance of conserving America's outdoor heritage25.
  On July 18, 1955, Disney opened Disneyland, a gigantic projection26 of his personal fantasies in Anaheim, California, which has proved the most successful amusement park in history with 6.7 million people visiting it by 1966. The idea for the park came to him after taking his children to other amusement parks and watching them have fun on amusement rides. He decided to build a park where the entire family could have fun together. In 1971, Disney World, in Orlando, Florida, opened. Since then, Disney theme parks have opened in Tokyo and Paris.

Dream for Tomorrow
  A pioneer27 in the field of television programming, Disney began television production in 1954, and was among the first to present full-color programming with his Wonderful World of Color in 1961. The Mickey Mouse Club was a popular favorite in the 1950s.
  Disney had also dreamed of developing a city of the future, a dream that was realized in 1982 with the opening of the Center for Experimental Prototype28 Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT), which cost $900 million.
  “I don't believe there is a challenge anywhere in the world that is more important to people everywhere than finding the solutions to the problems of our cities. But where do we begin? Well, we're convinced29 we must start with the public need. And the need is not just for curing the old ills of old cities. We think the need is for starting from scratch30 on virgin31 land and building a community that will become a prototype for the future.”
  In addition to his theme parks, Disney created a new university, the California Institute of the Arts, known as Cal Arts. He thought of this as the ultimate32 in education for the arts, where people in many different fields could work together, dream and develop, and create the mixture of arts needed for the future. Disney once said: “It's the principal33 thing I hope to leave when I move on to greener pastures34. If I can help provide a place to develop the talent of the future, I think I will have accomplished something.”
  Disney's parks continue to grow with the creation of the Disney-MGM35 Studios, Animal Kingdom, and an extensive sports complex36 in Orlando. In all, the Disney name now develops itself to a multi-billion dollar industry, with multiple business all over the world.
  Disney was moving ahead when he died of circulatory37 problems on December 15, 1966 in Los Angeles.
  Walt Disney is a legend38,a folk hero of the 20th century. His worldwide popularity was based upon the ideals which he represents: imagination, optimism39, and self-made success in the American tradition. Walt Disney did more to touch the hearts, minds, and emotions of millions of Americans than any other person in the past century. Through his work he brought joy, happiness, and a universal means of communication to the people of every nation. Certainly, our world shall know but one Walt Disney.







 1.span  v.跨越,横跨
2.genuine  adj.真正的
3.cartoonist  n.漫画家; 动画画家
4.graphic arts n.形象艺术,绘画艺术
5.founder  n.奠基人
6.resort  n.胜地
7.sketch  n.素描
8.contribute v.投稿
9.ambulance  n.救护车
10.advertise v.做广告
11.original  adj.独创的
12.animated  adj.活动的
13.immense  adj.极广大的
14.featurette  n.电影短片
15.rear  n.后面
16.be blessed with 在……方面有福气; 幸运地享有

17.synchronize  v.使声画同步
18.feature  v.由……主演,以……为特色
19.profit  n.利润,利益
20.creative ] adj.创造性的
21.franchise  v.赋予特权
22.feature-length adj.长篇的, (电影)达到正片应有的长度
23.depression  n.经济萧条
24.insight  n.洞察力
25.heritage  n.遗产,传统
26.projection  n.设计

27.pioneer n.先驱
28.prototype  n.原型,样板
29.convince  v.使信服
30.start from scratch 从头开始
31.virgin  adj.未开垦的
32.ultimate  n.最终
33.principal  adj.主要的
34.greener pastures 此指田园
35.MGM  全称是Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (美国)米高梅电影制片公司
36.complex  n.综合性建筑
37.circulatory  adj.循环系统的
38.legend  n.传说,传奇人物
39.optimism  n.乐观主义