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Should you tell your parents everything?|凡事都应该告诉父母

Growing up, I was very hardheaded7 and I thought I knew it all. My parents would tell me things and I would get so mad8 when they turned out9 to be right— and they were always right. They knew everything I did. Kids think parents don't know what they do, but in fact, parents know everything.
  If I went out or stayed out too late, I would come back and my parents could just tell. When I was younger, I used to sneak out10 and go to clubs and I wasn't supposed to be going to a club because I was in high school. I would come back smelling like smoke and expect my parents not to know where I was. But they could totally11 tell. They would ask, “Where have you been?” And I would say, “Oh, nowhere. Just at a friend's house.” They seemed like they believed me, saying “Whatever, OK.” But the next day, they would say, “We know where you were.” I meant they know everything.
  Even now when I'm on the road12, my parents know everything I do. I call them all the time, but they know exactly what I'm doing. They can tell what I've done by the way I act. They have instincts13 that are amazing14. My mom— I'll want to do something and she'll say, “I don't think that's good. I don't trust that person.” And I'll say to her, “What are you talking about?” A few months later, it turns out she was so right and I should have listened to her. I've learned just to go with my parents' instinct and just trust them, even if it doesn't seem right at the time.
  Kids just have to trust their parents. Kids don't think their parents are smart15. They don't think they understand what's going on with them or that they could ever have experienced the same things they're going through because they're so much older. Kids today think it was much different when their parents were young, but there was a lot that was the same. They went through the same troubles, the same type of situations you're going through as you're growing up.
  You should listen to them. They can pull you through16 a lot of things, relationship problems and things you go through17 as you grow up.
  I'm pretty much open with my  parents about everything. They're really my best friends, I can tell them anything and know that they will still love me and give me the best advice they can. They'll respect me no matter what I do.
  Your parents and your family are the only ones who will unconditionally18 love you. They will do whatever it takes to help you out19 in any way. After so many years with my family, I come to know that my family are the only people I know I can trust and won't take advantage of20 me. They always do everything they can to help me out.  

在我成长的过程中,我非常固执,自认为无所不知。我的父母总是对我谆谆教诲,当结果证明他们所说的话全是真理的时候,我会变得很生气—— 他们似乎总是对的。我所做的一切他们都知道。孩子们往往以为父母不知道他们的所作所为,但实际上,父母什么都知道。



1. conflict  n.冲突
2. summarize] v.归纳、概括
3. term n.术语
4. generation gap n.代沟
5. account  n.叙述
6. Lance Bass兰斯·巴斯,美国超级男孩      ('NSYNC)乐队成员之一,原名JamesLansten Bass, 1979年5月4日出生。
7. hardheaded  adj.固执的
8. mad  adj.生气的
9. turn out  v.后来证明
10.sneak out  偷偷外出
11.totally  adv.完全
12.on the road 在旅途中
13.instinct  n.本能、直觉
14.amazing  adj.令人惊讶的
15.smart adj.聪明的
16.pull you through 帮你解决
17.go through  经历
18.unconditionally adv.无条件地
19.help... out 帮助……克服困难
20.take advantage of 利用