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My Life Being Heavy|我的生活好沉重

Iam ten years old and overweight2. Everyday when I go through those double doors at school, it begins—the name calling. I wish I could stop the name calling because there is more to me than just being a fat person3.
  My teacher, Mrs. Arborgast, always tells me that when I get upset4 just say, “God let me be strong.” Sometimes I say it and it does help, but one day it will not I wish the other kids could feel the pain that I feel from all the cruel things that are being said about me. Sometimes kids I don't even know feel it is okay to call me fat!
  My principal5 told me that even if I lost all the weight, kids would still call me names. Everyday when I get on the bus, my bus driver and the bus monitor6 say that you cannot change them but you can change yourself, and how you think about yourself.
  When I look in the mirror I see a smart kid that has a beautiful voice and loves music, bike riding, soccer and tetherball7. But not everyone sees my good qualities. The only people who see the good things are my teachers, my parents, and only the children in my classroom and choir8. No one else ever wonders how I feel deep down inside. I have feelings too, but no one cares.
  If I could change anything about myself, it would be my weight and the way I eat. I also would change the way other people see me. Instead of just seeing me as a fat person, they would see the true me. If the world were like the people who call other people names, this world would be in a rut9.
  I decide to change a few things about myself like eating less, working out more, and cutting back on fatty foods. Even though I know that the name calling won't stop, I will feel better about myself.