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Kofi Annan Secretary-General of UN|联合国秘书长 科菲•


 Annan and UN Awarded Nobel Prize for Peace
On 12 October 2001, Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the United Nations were awarded  the  100th Nobel Prize for Peace. Speaking to staff1 at UN Headquarters2, Annan said, “All of us who work for the United Nations should be proud today—but also be humbled, humbled because even more will be expected of us in the future.”And he adds:
    “This award is a tribute3, above all, to our colleagues who have made the supreme sacrifice4 in the service of humanity. The only true prize, for them and for us, will be peace itself.”

Why the Nobel Prize for Peace

Mr. Annan  together with the UN had done the following tasks: to revitalize5 the United Nations through a comprehensive6 programme of reform; to strengthen the Organization's traditional work in the areas of development and the maintenance7 of international peace and security; to encourage and advocate8 human rights, the rule of law and the universal values of equality, tolerance9 and human dignity found in the United Nations Charter; and to restore10 public confidence in the Organization by reaching out to new partners and, in his words, by “bringing the United Nations closer to the people”.
    Mr.Annan and the UN have played a good role in several delicate11 political situations. These included
①an attempt12 in 1998 to gain Iraq's compliance13 with Security Council resolutions;
②an attempt in  1998  to help promote the transition14 to civilian rule in Nigeria;
③an agreement in 1999 to resolve a stalemate15 between Libya and the Security Council over the 1988 Lockerbie bombing;
④diplomacy in 1999 to make an international response to violence in East Timor;
⑤the certification16 of Israel's withdrawal17 from Lebanon in September 2000, and further efforts, since the renewed outbreak of violence in September 2000, to encourage Israelis and Palestinians to solve their differences through peaceful negotiations18 based on Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 and the principle of “land for peace”.

On the way to UN
Mr. Annan was born in Kumasi, Ghana, on 8 April, 1938. He studied at the University of Science and Technology in Kumasi and completed his undergraduate work in economics at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A., in 1961. From 1961 to 1962, he undertook19 graduate studies in economics at the Institute of Advanced International Study in Geneva. From 1971 to 1972 Mr. Annan received a Master of Science degree in management in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
        Mr.Annan is fluent20 in English, French and several African languages. He is married to Nane Annan, of Sweden, a lawyer and artist who has a great interest in understanding the work of the United Nations in the field. Two issues of particular concern21 to her are HIV/AIDS and education for women. She has also written a book for children about the United Nations. Mr. and Mrs. Annan have three children.
        Before being appointed22 Secretary-General, Mr. Annan served as Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations (March 1992—February 1993) and then as Under-Secretary-General (March 1993—December 1996).
        Kofi Annan of Ghana is the        seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations. The first Secretary-General to be elected from the ranks23 of United Nations staff, he began his first term on 1 January 1997. On 29 June 2001, acting on a recommendation24 by the Security Council, the General Assembly appointed him to a second term of office, beginning on 1 January 2002 and ending on 31 December 2006.


Education:key to Peace and Development
Mr. Annan has a strong belief in education. Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Council of Education in 1997, Annan said that the key to economic progress is a skilled worker, the key to social justice is a democratic society and the key to global peace and well-being is education too. And he added:
  “Young people need more help than ever in understanding the civil, political and economic environments in which they live, this will prepare them to become responsible adults and citizens. Our aim is to promote a culture...in which education promotes understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups...”

Mr.Annan's Idols

He respects those who have fought against great difficulties in order to defend liberty. He looks up to Nelson Mandela, who went from prisoner to president, because he would never give in to injustice, because he has such qualities as bravery and strong beliefs. Mr. Annan  admires   Raoul Wallenberg, who as a Swedish diplomat in Budapest, saved the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews during the Second World War.
  Like his role models, Mr.Annan has been making efforts all his life for global peace and understanding. A man who always keeps his words, Mr. Annan sets an example for us to follow.



        来自加纳的科菲·安南是联合国第七任秘书长。作为首位从联合国职员中选举产生的秘书长,安南的第一个任期始于1997年元月一日。2001年 6月29日,经安理会提名,联大任命他连任秘书长一职,任期从2002年元月一日开始,至2006年12月31日结束。







1. staff  n.全体职员
2. headquarters n.司令部,总部
3. tribute  n.贡品;颂词
4. supreme  adj.极大的,至高的    sacrifice [?謖s?覸krifais] n.牺牲,献身
5. revitalize v.使新生,振兴
6. comprehensive adj.全面的,广泛的
7. maintenance n.维护,保养
8. advocate  v.提倡,倡导
9. tolerance  n.宽容,容忍
10.restore v.恢复
11.delicate  adj.微妙的,棘手的
12.attempt  n.企图,努力
13.compliance  n.顺从
14.transition  n.过渡,转换
15.stalemate n.僵局
16.certification  n.证明
17.withdrawal  n.撤退
18.negotiation  n.谈判
19.undertook 为undertake 之过去式,意为“承担”
20.fluent  adj.流利的,流畅的
21.concern  n.关注(的事)
22.appoint v.任命
23.rank n.行列
24.recommendation n.推荐,建议
25.idol  n.偶像