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To be safe and sound|远离危险求平安

     Standing with a group of fans1 can be exciting—especially in the mosh pit2. “Things move really fast, feet are flying in the air, people are throwing fists around,” says a boy from Seattle3. “You have to watch out for4 things from the corners of your eyes and stay away from where the wild people are.”  Being surrounded by thousands of fellow fans is potentially5 dangerous. In 2000, a 15-year-old girl died after being crushed6 at a performance7 in Sydney8, Australia; nine people suffocated9 at a concert in Copenhagen, Denmark10; and during a concert in Nebraska11, 5,600 fans surged12 toward the stage. No one was seriously injured, but about 70 people had to leave the concert.
  There aren't any firm figures13 for concert-related deaths and injuries. But it is estimated that in the United States alone from 1995 to 2000, there were at least 49 deaths and 22,000 injuries.
  Some experts think that the concert industry is at fault for not enforcing14 safety standards. Tons of people crowded in a too small space equals lots of heat, less oxygen and fewer escape routes. But others disagree. They think that no amount of standards will be able to address15 the wild factor, the unpredictability16 of the fans and the band17 members themselves, and that people have the right to go to a concert, be entertained, and get their money's worth. But with that right comes the responsibility to take care of themselves. 
  Here are some tips18 on what you can do to reduce the chance of bodily harm at concerts.
1. Drink plenty of water and eat before leaving home to avoid dehydration19 and fainting—a common occurrence at concerts. If possible bring water with you.
2. If you find yourself in a crowd surge, try to move away from the crushing force. But don't resist20 the flow of the crowd. However, when a lull21 develops, move in the direction of least resistance.
3. Keep on your feet. Falling is a major cause of injury—and can easily trigger22 a chain reaction. If you fall and can't get up, protect your head and bring your legs close to your body.
4. Be aware of your surroundings: Watch out for crowd surfers23 above you. Remember to make a mental note of where the nearest security guard and exit are located. 
5. Stay with a friend at all times24 so you can help each other. If you feel frightened and light-headed25, hold his or her hand to help you keep your balance and reduce your anxiety.
6. If you're being threatened, try to get away as fast as you can. And don't be afraid to ask someone nearby for help. Then find a uniformed26 police officer or other official.
7. Choose brightly colored clothes so that if you fall down you'll be seen easily. Bring a whistle in case of emergencies27. People around you may not be able to hear your calls for help over the loud music. If you own a mobile phone, carry it with you.
8. If you're being hurt, go to the first aid station28 or find a security guard or concert official. Request that a written report be made. Do not be forced into saying the injury was your fault. Depending on the seriousness of the incident, you may want to tell your parents and/or contact a lawyer.
  Follow the above advice, and you can enjoy yourself at the concert.



1、 离家前要吃饱喝足,以避免脱水和昏厥——这是音乐会上经常发生的事。如可能的话,随身带水。
2、 如发现自己处在拥挤的人潮中,要尽力避开强大的人流,千万不要逆人流而行。当出现缓和的空隙时,向人少的地方疏散。
3、 一定要站稳。摔倒是引发受伤的主要原因——并且会引发连锁反应。万一跌倒了而又爬不起来,一定要保护好头部,把腿蜷缩起来靠近身体。

4、 要留神你的周围。当心有人从你头顶上冲压过来。记住离你最近的保安人员和安全出口的位置。
5、 要一直与朋友呆在一起,以便相互帮助。如果你感到恐惧或头晕目眩,握住朋友的手,以保持平衡,也可减少忧虑。
6、 如果你正受到他人威胁,尽快摆脱。不要害怕向身边的人求助。然后去找穿制服的警察或其它官员。
7、 选穿颜色鲜亮的衣服。如果你摔倒了,就很容易被人发现。带上一把口哨,以备急用。由于嘈杂的音乐,人们可能听不见你的呼救。你如果有移动电话,随身带上。
8、 如果你受伤了,马上去急救中心或去找保安或音乐会官员,并要求他们写成书面报告。不要被迫承认受伤是自己的过错。根据事故的严重性,你可以通知父母或与律师联系。