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The Most EmbarrassingMoment You Had...|尴尬时分

[Life is wonderful. To love or to be loved is just way cool! But there is always the time when you feel red in your face. 人生美好,爱与被爱同样酷毙了,然则尴尬难免。我们来听听他们在交友、生活中所遭遇的尴尬之事——]

1. I had a crush on2 this cute boy that rides my bus. I always make sure to put makeup3 on at home before I get on in the morning, but one time I was running late, so I threw my makeup in my backpack4 and ran to the stop. While I was waiting for the bus to come, I started applying5 lipstick6, blush7 and more. The problem? I didn't have a mirror. I thought it didn't matter, but when the bus came and I got on, everyone was staring at me, including my crush. Then someone cried out, ″Is there a circus8 in town? ″ My friend handed me a mirror and a piece of paper. I had makeup which had dirtied all my face and looked like a clown9. Luckily, my crush told me later I didn't need to wear makeup. At least he made me feel a lot better.

2. This  past  year, I  entered  my  school's  annual  talent show10; I decided to play ″Flight of the Bee″ on piano. Since the song is so fast, I practiced like mad for weeks. The night of the show, I felt really good and even dressed up as a bee to play the part. I started off really well, but then a draft11 onstage started rustling12 my music sheet. There was no way I could remove either one of my hands from the keys, so I began using my head to keep the music in place. Soon the audience was laughing loudly, and by the end of my performance, they were roaring13. I was so embarrassed I jumped up and ran off stage. I was sure it was a night I'd never live down14.

3. I remember one embarassing moment from my childhood. I was playing baseball with my brother and was accidentally hit with a baseball bat15. My face swelled16 to a very big size in front of all of my friends. And that's not most embarrassing at all. Most recently, I was in a restaurant with important music bosses when I walked right into a glass wall!   
——Christina Aguilera
4. Right before winter break, the entire eighth grade class went on a trip to the local rollerskating ground17. Even though I have no idea how to skate, I figured my friends could help me learn a few cool moves to impress18 Shannon, this hot girl in my class. By the time lunchtime came around, I was still really unable to skate. I barely made it to the lunch counter to pick up my tray19. As I was making my way back to the rink20, I lost control, dashed21 into Shannon's table and spilled my drink all over her. And as if that wasn't horrible enough, after managing to stand up, I bent over to give her a hand, but instead I fell right on top of her! She ended up getting hurt and was sent to hospital. Now, whenever I see her at school, she runs in the opposite direction.              

5. Our school shares the same bus with this nearby private boys' school, and up until a few weeks ago, I had a crush on one of the guys at the bus stop. I'd been watching him for months, but when the day finally came for me to make my move, I totally blew22 it. I arrived at the bus stop at the usual time, and since the weather looked cloudy, I brought my umbrella with me. It started pouring after about 10 minutes, and I noticed my crush didn't have an umbrella, so I invited him to share mine. I have one of those popout23 umbrellas, and as he was coming towards me, I threw my arm forward to open it up. The umbrella top flew off the handle and nailed the guy of my dreams right in the forehead24! Now I ride my bike to school.                 

6. My most embarrassing moment was when my class went to the science fair25, and I burped26. This girl heard me, and she told my crush, Garret. I was so embarrassed because they were laughing at me. After that, everyone kept mentioning it. How embarrassing!

7. My most embarrassing moment was when I was going to the bathroom, and there was no toilet paper! My sister knew it, so when I got out, she told everyone in the house. I was never so embarrassed in my whole life.



1. embarrass  v.使困惑,使局促不安
2. have a crush on 爱上,迷恋
3. makeup  n.化妆品
4. backpack  n.背包
5. apply  v.申请,应用
6. lipstick  n.(美)口红,唇膏
7. blush  n.胭脂
8. circus  n.马戏团,杂技团
9. clown [klaun] n.小丑,粗鲁愚蠢的人
10.talent show 业余歌手演唱会
11.draft  n.穿堂风
12.rustle  v.发出沙沙声,奋力工作,急速移动
13.roar  v.吼叫,怒号
14.live down 改正行为而使(某事)被人遗忘
15.bat  n.(棒球)球棒
16.swell [swel] v.(使)膨胀,肿
17.rollerskating ground 溜冰场
18.impress  vt.印,留下印象
19.tray [trei] n.托盘
20.rink  n.溜冰场,冰球场
21.dash  v.冲,撞
22.blow  v.把……弄砸了
23.popout  adj.(伞)折叠的
25.science fair: 科学博览会
26.burp  v.打饱嗝