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What Was the Funniest Experience You Ever Had?

1. I'm an optimistic girl. One day I went to have my hair cut, but the barber was a freshman, so he cut my hair out of shape. I got angry at first, but I'm kind-hearted, I forgave him, or he'd be fired. Back to school, my classmates showed surprise: ″How cool is your hair style!  How handsome you are, like a boy!″  From  that moment on, they called me      ″Hoyden″. This nickname attracted many people and helped me make more friends.
 四川省西昌高等师范专科学校大专二年级 蒋依翠 (615022)

2.  I  was  a  new  military student. In the exam every student had five bullets to shoot and there were ten of us in a group who should, of course, shoot one's own target. After I finished shooting I saw my target, oh, there were 10 holes.  How could it be possible? I looked at next student's target. Oh, dear! He missed all.
    南京解放军理工大学理学院一队十八班 剑 风 (211101)

3.  One day, my Chinese teacher asked me to recite the article written by Shuxun. Since I made no preparation, I did a bad job. When I stopped, my teacher  said, “If  the  author  heard what you'd recited, he would have jumped up from the graveyard and told you what to do.” All my classmates burst into laughter. I laughed in my beard.
  武汉市汉口六合路1 号 武汉教育学院00641信箱 蔡婷 (430010)

4.  In a hurry, I caught hold of my school bag and my scarf, rushed out against the strong cold wind and made straight for the school. Luckily, the school was not too far. It took me only four minutes. But to my surprise, people in the street all stared at me when I passed by. ″What's the matter?″ I muttered. I came into the classroom before the bell rang and suddenly came a loud laugh from all the classmates. The usually serious head teacher laughed, too. I still didn't know why. When I lowered my head, I knew the answer. Round my neck was my mother's red trousers, not my scarf.
  钟祥市第三中学高一(6)班 殷红燕 (431900)

5.  I have a cousin. In his mother's eyes he couldn't do anything wrong. When he decided to join the army, his mother told all the neighbors, ″He is going to be the best soldier, I tell you!″ The next day he was marching past the palace in the parade. When we caught sight of him, some of us couldn't help laughing: he alone couldn't keep pace with the  others. But his mother shouted at the top of her voice, “Look! They are all out of step except my son!”
  福建省福鼎六中高三(2)班 郑举东 (355200)

6.  My  cousin  has  just  graduated from a famous agriculture university. One day he was passing by a village when he saw a ″peach ″ tree and a farmer standing by it. He stopped, saying to the farmer, ″I don't think this peach tree will produce large peaches, because the land is so barren.″ The farmer agreed: ″You're right. But I've to tell you that this, this is an apple tree.″
 广州市滨江东路500号广州公安高等专科学校475# 潘 妤 (510232)

7.  In our school there are separated apartments for boys and girls; each of them thus would try any means to make friends in order to play together in the weekends. All boys in our bedroom decided to try our luck with Room 118. We four boys spent an hour writing a letter that expressed our sincere and anxious desire to make friends with the girls supposed to live in Room 118. A month later, we did receive a letter. Tearing it in a hurry, we were surprised: Room 118 is a toilet.
 青岛大学四方学区机电八班 李建波 (266033)

8.  Last Sunday I took 3 examinations. I felt so tired and exhausted, still I thought about nothing but the examination. At home my mother asked,     ″Which do you prefer, tea, milk or Coca? ″ Without hesitation I answered: ″I will choose D.″
  河南省舞阳一高二(8)班 张天星 (462400)

9.  Last time I went to buy a terry cloth scarf. I found one but it was too expensive. But it was perfect, without any flaw. I couldn't find any reason to make a discount. At last I said: “It's too cool, terribly wonderful. It's a blessing to you that I appreciate it, so you must let me have it cheap.” At my words the boss felt surprised. I really got it at a price as expected. Beauty is a flaw sometimes, isn't it?
武汉海军工程大学29队大一 年 轻 (430033)