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       “当然!”怎么说?你会说:“Of course!"但如果你说:"You bet!"就更地道了。老美许多的习惯用语,不是想当然就会的!

喜  悦


万岁!               Hurray!
●Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!通常是连说三次。

成功了!          I (We) did it! / I (We) made it! / Way to go!
●Way to go! 是看到或听到别人成功时所说的。

太棒了!          Excellent! / Superb! / Splendid! /Magnificent! / Brilliant!

真高兴!          Hurray! / Delightful! Rah-rah-rah!

哇 !              Wow! / Yippee! / Wah!
●Wow! 或Wah! 是惊喜的语气,Yippee!表现的是期待趣事发生时的喜悦。

太好了!           Great! / Terrific! / Wonderful! / I'm glad it turned out so well ?穴that way?雪!
●Great! 与Terrific!是“事情这么顺利真是太好了”的意思,最后一句则是“事情如你所愿,真是太好了”的意思,带有庆幸的意味。

好棒!好酷!     Excellent! / Cool! / Oh, boy! / Yeah! / Goody gumdrops!
●Goody gumdrops! 是小孩子的常用语。

太酷了!          That's cool!


惊  喜


没这回事!       No way! / Impossible!
●年轻人最常使用的是No way!

这真是太神奇了!Great! / Wow! That's amazing! / Oh, my gosh!

你说什么?      What? / Huh? / What was that? / What did you say ?穴want?雪?!
●Huh?!的发音是?眼h?蘧?演(尾音上升); What was that? 则是强调What,而 What did you say ?穴want?雪?! 语调在语尾上升。

哪有这种事!       No! / Pooh! /Bah!
●No! 是“不可能有这种事”的意思。

我太惊讶了!    I am amazed ?穴impressed?雪! /Oh, my! / This is a surprise ?穴shock?雪!

不可能吧!       I can't believe it! / Unbelievable! / Who would have believed it?

你骗人!         You must be kidding! / You must be joking ?穴pulling my leg?雪! /Come on! / That ?穴just?雪 can't be!
●若照中文字面翻译为“You are lying”,表示你肯定对方在说谎,会叫人难堪得下不了台的!Come on! 的重音落在on上。

                  生   气

闭嘴!            Shut up! / Shut your mouth! / Keep ?穴Be?雪 quiet!
●Shut up! / Shut your mouth! 是相当严厉的、不客气的表现方式。Keep ?穴Be?雪 quiet! 的前或后加上please可缓和语气。

太过分了!      That's awful ?穴terrible?雪! / That's too much! / That's mean!
●如要进一步强调严重性,可以用terrible。That's mean! 针对的是人而不是事。

可恶!            Damn it! / Shit! / God damn it!

我受不了了!     I can't stand it ?穴this?雪 any longer!
●除了stand,还可以使用endure/ put up with/ bear/tolerate等词句来代替。这些词句当中以put up with 最为口语化。

随你便!         Suit yourself! / Do ?穴Have?雪 it your way! / ?穴Do what you want and?雪 See if I care. / ?穴You just?雪 Go right ahead.

笨蛋!                 You idiot! / You dummy!

无聊!            That's nonsense! / Don't be silly ?穴stupid?雪! / Get serious! / Don't say such silly ?穴stupid?雪 things!

我生气了!       I'm mad! / That makes me angry ?穴mad?雪. / That's the last straw.
●the last straw来自“ the last straw that broke the camel's back.”“压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草”——表示最后的忍耐限度。

你真丢脸!      Shame on you! / You ought to be ashamed! / You should be ashamed of yourself!


吵死了!         Drop dead!
●Drop dead! 是“好吵”、“赶快走开”的意思。

不开玩笑!       I mean it! / It's ?穴This is?雪 no joke!
●I mean it! 是“我是说真的”的意思。

不行!            No way! / That's out of the question! / Don't be silly!

别闹了!         That's enough! / Cut it out! / Stop it!
●要缓和语气,可改用Just stop it! 或者说Stop it now!并且不要重读。

你到底在想什么?What on earth are you thinking?

不是这个问题!  That's got nothing to do with it! / What are you talking about? / That's not the point!

看你干的好事!  Look what you did! / What have you done?

你怎么可以这样!How could you? / Oh my goodness! / Oh my!
●一般人最常用Oh my God!但如果你不是基督教徒,最好还是不要这么说。另外,goodness的“d”通常是不发音的。How could you? 表现的是责备的心情。

                   放    弃       
    有些事情就是不得不放弃,虽然令人惋惜,但想一想That's life! (这就是人生),就连放弃的方式也是多彩多姿的呢!

没辙了!         It's can't be helped ?穴avoided?雪. /That's life. / We have no choice?穴alternative?雪. / There's nothing you ?穴we?雪 can do about it.
●和That's life相同的说法是: Such is life。

我简直不敢相信!I can't believe it! / I'm in shock. / I don't know what to say.

好蠢!           What an idiot! / How stupid?穴silly?雪! / I can't believe it!

随你便!         Suit yourself! / Do as you like!/ Buzz off!
●这些例句开头可加上Then或者Go ahead。

够了!            That's enough! / Stop it. / Let's not have any more of this!

运气真背!       Just my luck. / That's what I would call bad timing. / I'm out of luck.

                   后    悔

完了!           Oh no! / Oops! / Uh-oh! / Darn?穴it!?雪 / Oh darn! / Oh dear!

可惜!            That's too bad. / That's a ?穴real?雪 bummer! / Bummer! / There's always a next time.

非常抱歉!       I'm really (terribly/awfully?雪 sorry. / I feel so bad!

我不应该这样做的。I shouldn't have ?穴done it?雪. / I didn't really mean to do it! / Why did I do that?

怎么会这样?    It wasn't supposed to be ?穴turn out?雪 like this ?穴this way?雪. / This isn't the way I had planned it. / What went wrong?

我不在乎。      I don't care. / Who cares? / Whatever. /See if I care.
●See if I care虽是“怎样都好”的意思,但带有“实际上我很在意的”意味。

                  悲    伤
    表现悲伤的词汇相对较少,中外皆然。对悲伤的人表示过多的安慰并没有什么用处,只说一句How sad!其实就够了。

真悲惨!          How sad! / How tragic!

好可惜!          That's too bad! / What a pity! /How unfortunate!

真失望!          What a disappointment! / What a letdown!

真可怜!          How sad! / Poor thing! / I feel so sorry for...
●Poor thing!是对晚辈或地位较自己低的人说的。I feel so sorry for...之后必定要加上具体的人或事。

我很难过/遗憾。 You have my condolences. / I was so sorry to hear... / Please accept my sincere sympathy.

                  鼓    励

加油!           Go for it! / Good luck! / Stick with ?穴to?雪 it!
●这些词汇多用于运动竞赛时的加油打气,另外还有Let's go, Tom.等用法,也相当常见。Let's work harder!虽带有勉励之意,但很容易变成“你不够努力”的暗讽,要特别注意。

不要着急。      Take it easy. /Take your time.
冷静!           Calm down. / Take it easy.

打起精神!     Cheer up! / ?穴Just?雪 Hang it there! / Keep your spirits up! / Keep your chin up!

不要在意。       Don't let it get to you. / Let it go at that. / If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.

不要想太多。    Don't get worked up ?穴over nothing?雪! / Stop thinking about it all the time.

不要担心。       Don't worry ?穴about it?雪 ! / Everything is going to be all right! /Don't let it get you down!