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The little White Lie I Had to Tell...|我不得不说的善意谎言是

1.  I remember visiting my friend Zouyu one afternoon. I got to his bedroom and smelt strong cigarette. He nudged me, “Keep it a secret. One of my best friends gave me a  packet. I just want to have a try. That's all.”  What could I do? Err...I got an idea. Quickly I found his mother, but there were many people around her. I told a lie: “Your dear son has something important to tell you.” She followed me to her son's bedroom and caught him smoking. At last he had to give it up. I got excited although I'd told a white lie.
                               武汉市黄陂区第六中学二(2)班 彭鹏 (430300)

2.  My friend Lin was good-looking but eh...fat. Last term she made a plan to keep fit. She would eat nothing for lunch, so she frequently felt stomachache in the afternoon. “She has been dieting, what can I do?” It happened that one day she asked me again if she looked slim enough. To do good to her health, I lied: “You're tender and more attractive, so stop the diet.” And she did.
               广东省潮阳市邮电局斜对面艺华服务部 陈燕璇(中专)  (515152)

3.  Sophia, a pretty girl, told me sadly that she was just rejected by her boyfriend because of the interference of another girl. She couldn't stop loving him, though she began to hate him. “Forget it.” I lied to her, “I've been rejected several times like you. The reason is ridiculous, that these boys think I'm so beautiful that I make them feel humble and no more confident. Too you look cool, that's your fault.” She began to feel good.
                  广东省广州广东外语外贸大学商管学院35# 裴振亚 (510420)

4.    Ann and Jason are my good friends, but they had a quarrel the other day. Ann told me about it and I tried to console her. The next day Jason asked me if Ann told me anything behind him. I told a white lie: “Ann always says that you're a good boy, that she enjoys being with you. She won't care if you did something that you didn't mean to.” Jason was happy at this and he apologized to her.  They made up. I felt happy for my white lie and their friendship.
                              济南市槐荫区西光明街12号 李春梅 (250010)

5.   Last week in a village I met a blind man who told me: “When I could see, my village was very beautiful, with many green trees and pure clean water, like crystals. How about it now?” I looked around, with few trees to brighten the eye and dark water to disgust the smell. But I hated to spoil his sweet nostalgia, so I told a lie: “Oh, it is more beautiful than ever.”  He was happy and smiled.
                   武汉市新洲区阳罗镇中心中学三年级(12)班 王星 (431415)

6.    In the middle school, I once had a bad cold and stayed at home, but my English teacher came to see me and made up the lesson for me. Then he asked if I had caught him. I hadn't. But seeing the heavy dark clouds outside, I answered that I had! He went home happily. And half an hour later there was a heavy shower!
湖北省蕲春县第一高级中学一(9)班 万江 (435300)

7.    I've a classmate called Song Bore who sits in front of me. She is both cool and clever, and she likes H.O.T. so much that she'd be busy talking about it all day. Yesterday she asked me if I thought H.O.T. was the best band in the world. It's all Greek to me, but I lied, “Yes, I like it very much,” just to please her and make her happy. It makes no point arguing over a trifle.
                      辽宁省沈阳市共青团实验中学高一(8)班 程绍隆 (110013)

8.   One day I went  shopping with my daddy. He saw some roses and asked me if I liked them. Just then I caught sight of some lilies in a cream-colored basket, more beautiful than anything else in the world. However, I suddenly remembered that “It is Mother's day!” I changed my mind to say, “Yes, the roses are so cool that Mum must be crazy at them.” He felt happy, so did my Mom.
武汉市武昌区华中科技大学附中高一(8)班 鲍越 (430074)

9.    The entrance examination was approaching. Everyone of us was busy preparing for it when a boy wrote to say that he wanted to be my boyfriend! Oh, wasn't he going against the tide?  I lied to him that if he studied harder than ever I'd consider the issue. He agreed and both he and I were enrolled by a famous university.
                  江苏省沛县大屯煤田公司六村四号楼304室 刘无尘 (221611)

10.  I've a five-year-old niece named Baobao, who would suffer anything just for the sake of looking cool and becoming a beauty. Last Friday, my niece suddenly cried in the dinner, saying she hated vegetables. I lied to her: “Dear, enjoy them and you'll look prettier tomorrow.” At this she grabbed the chopsticks and ate them as much as possible. We had a good laugh.
          武汉市汉口六合路1号00641信箱,武汉教育学院外语系 蔡婷 0641班
11.   My younger brother couldn't sleep these days, because he read too many books about bogey. He asked me to accompany him. One night I meant to go to the toilet, but my easy-to-be-awakened brother was   awakened. He felt so afraid that he begged me to stay with him all the time. I had to tell a lie: “Don't be afraid. I'm to kill the big bogey!”
                             湖北省仙桃市干河二路24巷9号 冯飙 (433000)

12.   My little brother is only 11 years old, but he enjoys beer so much. I first warned him that drinking too much beer would make his abdomen become bigger, but he said only with a bigger abdomen could he earn a lot of money in future. Then I told him the danger of alcohol from beer, to which he paid no attention. At last I told a white lie, that drinking beer would make him die earlier—this frightened him into giving up beer at last!
                                   湖北省宣恩一中99级(1)班 王慧 (445500)