Someone once said that if you were to make a list of your 10 closest friends and acquaintances and order your earnings and theirs from smallest to greatest, you`d probably find yourself somewhere near the middle. All that this means is that we are subtly influenced by our friends, even when we`re not aware of it, especially in matters of money. Being somewhere in the middle is probably more comfortable for the average person.
If you are that rare person at the high end of the list, then you probably don`t need to read this article. If you are not, then find out what`s holding you back. There are hundreds of personal finance myths which are either misunderstood, taken out of context, or just plain incorrect. Here are our top 25.
1. I don`t deserve to be rich.
Why not? Intuition suggests that no matter which religion you follow, there are people who are successful and got there by honest means. What is wrong with that? Believing this myth cripples your willingness to be open to opportunities. Keep in mind that the government, Medicare, and other programs are not going to take care of you as much as you think.
2. Rich people are scum.
Or greedy, selfish, uncaring, or whatever. It`s just that the scummy rich are more played up in the media because it sells newspapers. Of course, the rich didn`t get that way by giving away their money. At least not until