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Two Teens Ride Horses to School|油价飞涨 少女骑马上学

Unhappy with rising gas prices, two high school teens, Mellissa Evans and Chapa Stevenson, from Utah, in the U.S. decided to saddle up and made their 30-mile roundtrip to school on their horses. “When you have a car that gets 10 miles per gallon, you have to do something,” Evans said. The two horses spent the day in a stall inside the high school's animal laboratory. But school officials stepped in, telling the girls that horses on school grounds were against the rules. “I guess we'll have to go back to carpooling,” Evans said. Evans' mother is disappointed her daughter can't ride her horse to school anymore. “It took hours for her to get to school,” she said. “But hay is much cheaper than gas.”

由于对油价上涨深感无奈,美国犹他州的两名女中学生决定每天骑马上学。梅莉莎·埃文斯和查帕·史蒂文森骑着马往返于家与学校间,来回约30英里。埃文斯解释道:“如果你有一辆每跑10英里就要耗油1加仑的汽车,你就必须想想别的办法了。” 她们的两匹坐骑白天存放在学校动物实验室的畜栏里。但校方管理人员警告她们说,将马带入校园违反了校规。埃文斯表示:“我想我们又要像从前那样合开汽车上学了。”埃文斯的母亲对此也感到失望。她说:“女儿骑马上学虽然要花好几个小时,但草料比汽油便宜多了。”