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Harry Potter Books Go Digital | 哈利·波特电子版面市

J.K. Rowling, once paper publishing's greatest example and opponent against the computer age, has made all six Potter novels available in audio form. “Many Harry Potter fans have been keen to purchase the publications in digital format, but the deciding factor for me in authorizing this new version is that it will help fight against the growing incidents of piracy in this area,” Rowling said. The digital audio-books are being released by the Random House Audio Trade Group, her current audio publisher. They can be purchased through Apple's iTunes store, for prices ranging from $32.95 for a single book to $249 for the whole series, which, according to Random House, includes a “full color digital booklet” and “previously unreleased readings” by Rowling.

J.K.罗琳曾经是纸质出版界最著名的坚决抵制电脑时代的人,最近却提供了哈利·波特系列全部6本小说的语音版本。“许多哈利·波特迷们迫切希望哈利·波特的电子版能早日面世,但我授权发行电子版的主要原因是这样有利于打击越来越多的网络盗版事件。” 罗琳说。 这套数字有声读物由罗琳目前的音像出版商兰登书屋音像出版集团公司出版发行。目前可以在Apple's iTunes商店购买,单本书价32.95美元,整套书价为249美元。据兰登书屋透露,这套读物还包括“一本全彩电子目录”和罗琳“一些以前没有公开发表的故事”。