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Destiny's Child Call It A Day|真命天女要散场 各奔东西好商量

US R&B trio Destiny's Child have reached the end of the road and are going their separate ways. Beyoncé, Kelly and Michelle announced their decision to fans during a show in Barcelona. And a statement on the Destiny's Child website confirmed: “Yes, it's true folks—the end of the road has come for Destiny's Child as a group.” The girl group will complete their current Destiny Fulfilled ... And Lovin’It tour, which finishes in Vancouver on September 10, before exploring solo careers in music, theatre, television and film. Given the success of their solo careers to date, the split doesn't come as a huge surprise. As for a possible reunion down the road, Beyoncé said, "Who knows? We're still very young, and it's not smart to say 'never.' It's not the end."

美国R&B三人组合真命天女已经玩到了尽头, 即将分道扬镳。碧昂斯、凯丽和米歇尔在巴塞罗那演出时对歌迷们宣布了这一决定。真命天女网站上的一则声明也证实了这一点:“朋友们,这是千真万确的——真命天女作为一个组合已经曲尽人散了。”这一女子组合在同台完成她们目前正在举行的《完成使命》巡回演出后,将在音乐与影视方面各奔前程。演出于9月10日在加拿大的温哥华落幕。由于她们三人在个人事业上均有建树,她们的分手并没有带来太大的震动。至于是否可能重聚,碧昂斯说:“谁知道呢?我们还年轻,说‘完全不可能’不太明智,我们还没有到尽头。”