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20 Ways to Raise Your Grade|学习高分20招

Less is more. Don't write down every word the teacher says—you'll focus too much on the words and not enough on the points she's trying to make. Instead, listen closely for phrases she emphasizes or repeats and then write down those.

Read your notes ASAP3 after class—ideally within 24 hours. Spell out any abbreviations4 and reorganize or even type up your pages if you think it'll help you understand better.  Highlight5 the important points and jot down any additional questions you need to ask your teacher.


Don't waste time. Whether you're waiting for the bus or killing time6 before your bud7 comes over, crack8 a book and do a little studying.


Commit to classwork. If you say “yes” to everyone and everything, you'll be saying “no” to quality homework time. Chances are you can skip a shopping trip to make some sense of your math homework.


Set priorities9. Get good at making lists of everything you have to do. Then rank10 each task in terms of importance. It might take a couple of extra minutes, but you'll definitely know what to do first—and next!


Be polite to your teachers. After all, they're there to help you. Instead of saying, “You're not grading fair!” you might get further with, “I really bombed11 on this test. Tell me what can I do to improve my grade?”


Invest in a calendar. Record dates for assignments, tests, practices, vacations, special events and birthdays. Then hang it somewhere in your bedroom where you'll see it every day.


Don't cram. Once you know a test is coming, schedule short pockets of time to study. If you wait till the night before to hit the books, you'll just add to your anxiety.


Study-proof  your  room. A  straight-backed chair will help you concentrate at your desk, and a good lamp will keep you from straining your eyes. Make sure your family knows you need quiet during study time.


Seek out help. It's smart to realize when you need help. Don't be shy about asking a parent, teacher or friend to help you with an assignment. Just remember to ask in advance12 and not the night before it's due!


Set goals—and rewards. “When I get through this chapter, I'll play a football match.”


Use a study group. Choose three or four friends who are serious about studying and plan a time to get together and go through each of your subjects. Drawing up13 an agenda14 ahead of time will keep you focused.


Overlearn. For example, when hangin' with your friends, don't speak Chinese. Instead, carry on conversations in English, French, German or whatever—you'll be far better prepared for the next test.


De-clutter! If  you  cram  homework  into  your books or purse, allot15 five minutes each afternoon to reorganize (and uncrumple!). If your prob is that you have too much stuff—notebooks, dictionaries, PDA16, calculator—ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” Get rid of anything that isn't crucial.


Take baby test steps. When quiz time comes, answer questions you definitely know the answer to, then go back to the ones you're sorta sure about and save the hardest ones for last. This way, you won't let the tough ones undermine your confidence or cause you to run out of time!


Set a schedule. Make a chart of your daily schedule, from classes to bedtime. Block out17 time for homework, daily commitments and personal activities like watching TV or talking on the phone. This'll help you track18 the amount of time you have for work and for play.


Find a role model. Have an older bro who's an A student? Or a tutor who's totally awesome19 at algebra? Find someone you admire who can toss out20 some tips to help you make the grade.


Get noteworthy. Think your notes don't make the grade? Try comparing them with a friend's. (Make sure you choose a pal who's a good student!) Also, try reading ahead in your textbook. You may be able to listen better 'cuz you'll already know some of what you're hearing.


Act like the teacher. Think about what teachers you like and which ones you don't. Figuring out21 what the good ones do to keep you interested will help you plan your school success.


Don't leave home without it. Before you leave, check to make sure you have everything you need for the day. Same goes for the evening. Before you start counting sheep, put your books, homework and supplies in your backpack22, readied23 for the next day.













刻苦学习。 例如,跟朋友在一起时不要说汉语。用英语、法语、德语或其他语言对话,这样下次考试就能胸有成竹了。


答题先易后难。 测验的时候,先答有绝对把握的题,然后再做比较有把握的题,最难的题留到最后做。这样,就不会让难题动摇你的信心,空耗你的时间!







1. schedule  v. 安排
2. flashcard  n. 抽示卡(教师抽示,学生回答)
3. ASAP 为as soon as possible的缩写形式
4. abbreviation  n. 缩写

5. highlight  v. 使突出
6. kill time 消磨时间
7. bud n. [美口] 等于buddy,朋友,伙伴
8. crack  v. [美]打开
9. priority  n. 优先,重点
10. rank  v. 排列
11. bomb  v. 大败,惨败
12. in advance  提前
13. draw up  起草;制订
14. agenda  n. 议程
15. allot  v. 分配
16. PDA 即personal digital assistant,个人数码助手

17. block out 草拟
18. track  v. 跟踪,追踪
19. awesome  adj. 令人惊叹的
20. toss out  提出
21. figure out 弄清
22. backpack  n. 背包
23. ready  v. 使准备好