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Ping-pong Team Enters 100-gold Club

China once again proved its status as a giant of the table tennis world at the 48th World Table Tennis Championships. Wang Liqin proved his world No. 1 billing by beating teammate Ma Lin 4-2 in the men's singles, and Wang Nan and Zhang Yining stretched their domination with a second consecutive women's doubles victory. Chinese players have swept all five titles at the tournament, making China the first country to reach the 100-gold medal mark.

Ukraine PM on Elle Cover

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has appeared on the front cover of Elle magazine in Ukraine posing in a designer dress. Interviewed by Elle Ukraine, she said she was making full use of her looks as few women are involved in world politics. “Do you really think I can charm people? That's interesting, I never would have thought,” Mrs Tymoshenko told Elle. “I am going to disappoint your readers but I am not doing anything special for my appearance. After working 16 hours a day, all I have time for is sleep,” the Ukrainian politician said.
乌克兰总理尤利娅·季莫申科身着时装的造型出现在乌克兰版杂志《Elle》(《世界时装之苑》)封面上。 在接受《Elle》乌克兰版采访时,季莫申科坦言她充分利用了自己姣好的容貌,以求在男性主宰的政坛上立足。季莫申科告诉《Elle》的记者:“你真认为我会有那么大魅力?这真有趣,之前我从没这样想过。” 这位乌克兰总理说:“我可能会让读者失望了,但我真没特意为外表花心思。每天工作16小时后,我唯一想做的就是睡觉。”

Wearable MP3 Player

Sure, an iPod is cool. But you still have to carry it in your hand or pocket. With Oakley Thump MP3 sunglasses, you literally wear your music on your head. The sunglasses can hold up to 256 megabytes of music (about 60 songs). Controls are on the ear stems: Volume is on the left stem and fast-forward/play/rewind, are on the right. The speakers extend down from the middle of the stem, over your ears. Bring on the sunshine—you've got your musical shades!
当然,有台iPod够酷!不过,你还得把它握在手里或者装进口袋。现在有了这款Oakley Thump太阳镜MP3,你简直可以把音乐带在头上了!这副太阳镜能容纳256兆音乐(约60首歌)。其控制器均置于镜腿上:音量键在左镜腿,快进/播放/回放键在右镜腿,两个扬声器安置在镜腿中间,戴在耳朵上。艳阳高照时戴上你的饰物——音乐太阳镜上路吧!

S Korean Fails Driving Test 271 Times

After five years and 271 attempts to pass the theoretical part of his driving test, it was 272nd time lucky for South Korean Seo Sang-moon. Next he needs to pass the test's practical section. “Driving seems a bit hard. But after trying 271 times to pass, what do I have to be afraid of?” he said. The 69-year-old repairman said he was hampered by illiteracy, which meant he could not read a driving manual. Each time he learned a little bit more, until finally, he passed. Officials at the test centre were just as happy as Mr Seo.

Germany Reclaims Einstein as Their National Hero

A century after the German-born scientist conceived the famous theory of relativity in Switzerland, and 50 years after his death, Einstein is being reclaimed as one of its greatest national figures by the country he rejected. Born in the Bavarian city of Ulm in 1879, Einstein moved to Switzerland at 17 because he didn't want to join the German army. In 1905, Einstein's "miracle year", he thought of the theory of relativity. Einstein returned to Germany in 1914 and lived in Berlin for 19 years before fleeing Nazis in 1933. He took a post at Princeton University, and spent the rest of his life there. He won a Nobel Prize in 1921, after which Germany and Switzerland both claimed him as theirs. His house in Berlin was wrecked and items stolen by the Nazis. Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became an American citizen in 1940.

Asian Airports Voted Best

When it comes to the airport experience, terminals in Asia are better than the rest, according to a recent independent survey of air passengers. Hong Kong International Airport was named the world's best. In Europe, Copenhagen was voted the best airport, while in North America Halifax came in first. “The fact is—airports compete for passengers,” says Robert, of the Airports Council International. “They realize the importance of building customer loyalty in a competitive environment.” Passengers were asked to rate airport facilities, security and immigration, as well as services provided by airlines.