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Forever Superman

Christopher Reeves, famous as the star of Superman, passed away on Oct 10,2004 from heart failure. He was 52 years old. Christopher was a hero to many people, yet he was better remembered as a champion of sufferers of spinal cord injuries. Unlike the man of steel, he wasn't faster than a speeding bullet or more powerful than a locomotive and he couldn't leap tall buildings in a single bound. But he displayed incredible courage and determination to find a cure for his paralysis, from a 1995 horse-riding accident. He believed nothing was impossible. “He became a real-life Superman. His heroism, his courage was extraordinary,” Colin Blakemore, the chief executive of Britain's Medical Research Council said. 
因成功塑造“超人”而一举成名的克里斯托弗·里夫,于2004年10月10日因心脏衰竭而永远地离开了我们,享年52岁。克里斯托弗是许多人心目中的英雄,然而,他所扮演的最著名的角色却是脊椎损伤患者中的斗士。他没有金刚之躯,也不比飞行的子弹飞得更快,不比火车头更有力,不能轻轻一跃就跳上高楼。 但是自1995年不幸坠马以来,在战胜瘫痪的过程中他所表现出的勇气和决心令常人难以置信,他认为世上没有实现不了的事情。 英国医学研究学会主任科林·布莱克莫尔说:“他成了现实生活中的超人。他有非凡的英雄气概和勇气。”

Edinburgh: First City of Literature

Edinburgh was named the world's first City of Literature by the United Nations' cultural body UNESCO. Scottish Culture Minister expressed delight at the decision and said it finally confirmed how much the city has contributed to world literature. The city's literary greats included Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns, who all lived and wrote in Edinburgh.
联合国教科文组织授予苏格兰首府爱丁堡“世界文学城市”的称号。 苏格兰文化部长对此表示高兴,他说这个决定肯定了爱丁堡对世界文学所做出的贡献。爱丁堡所拥有的文学大师包括亚瑟·柯南·道尔、沃尔特·司各特、罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森和罗伯特·彭斯,他们生前都曾在爱丁堡生活和写作。

Family's Brooms for Harry Potter

A 300-year-old family-run broomstick business is set to take off worldwide after their brooms were chosen to appear in the fourth Harry Potter film. The Nash family of Hampshire, are preparing themselves for global success once their Besom brooms feature in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Purchasing officers working for the movie found the firm on the Internet, and quickly bought more than 80 of their sticks.

Zhang Yimou Film Competes for An Oscar

Movies from 49 countries or regions are competing for the foreign-language prize at February's Academy Awards. China's House of Flying Daggers  has been nominated.  The director, Zhang Yimou, was nominated for the foreign-language award in 2002 for Hero, another martial-arts film.  Hero became a hit in U.S. theaters when it was released last August.

London 2012 Has A "Secret Weapon"
威廉王子: 最后的秘密武器

London's bid for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games has a last-minute secret weapon in the form of Prince William. Talks are underway to use the 22-year old prince as an ambassador for promoting London to the IOC before they make their decision, next July, on who will host the 2012 Olympic Games. London's bid officials believe his presence and international appeal could help persuade IOC members to vote for them rather than one of the other four cities.

Don't Eat those, They're for My Battery

US scientists say they have invented a device that uses spinach to convert sunlight into electricity. Zhang Shuguang, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, used an extract from the vegetable to make a solar energy cell. The substance, chloroplast, gives plants their green color, it also allows them to change sunlight into energy. So far, the cells convert only 12 percent of light into electricity, but this could be increased a lot by placing cells on top of one another.

Huge Album Sales

Canadian pop singer Celine Dion received a special honor, the Diamond Award, at the World Music Awards for being the top-selling female artist of all time in October. Celine, 36, sold nearly 175 million records worldwide between 1987 and August 2004. Her new album, Miracle, is out on October 12. The World Music Awards benefit a charity which supports hospitals and orphanages, around the world.
加拿大流行歌手席琳·迪翁作为多年专辑销量最佳的女艺人10月获得世界音乐大奖“钻石奖”殊荣。现年36岁的席琳唱片销量从1987年始至2004年8月在世界范围内已达1.75亿。 她的新专辑《爱的奇迹》于10月12日发行。世界音乐奖用于支持一个救助全世界病人和孤儿的慈善团体。

US Elections: Short Name, Short Odds

What's the big question US presidential candidates should be asking themselves? Is my name short enough? Since World War II most candidates with short names have won the election.  If both candidates had short names then the person with the most common name usually became president. There are only two presidents since WWII to have beaten rivals with fewer syllables in their name. One is, Bill Clinton, the other was Jimmy Carter. “A single syllable name is going to sound ‘strong, sturdy and forceful’”, says Professor Kellerman.
作为美国总统候选人,有个最重要的问题要好好问问自己:我的名字够短吗?自二战以来,当选人的名字越来越短,如果两名候选人的名字都很短,名字最普通的人通常会成为总统。第二次世界大战以来只有两位总统战胜了姓氏所含音节比自己少的竞争者,一位是比尔·克林顿;另一位是吉米·卡特。“单音节的名字听起来会显得‘强大、坚定、有力’。” 凯勒曼教授说道。

Bush Re-elected

In the end, America's presidential election closed with a familiar-sounding result: George W Bush winning after a technical wrangle in a heavily contested state, Ohio, in Nov 3.  The victory was a narrow one. The president carried Ohio by just 136,000 votes (or around 2% of the votes cast there), defeating Democratic challenger John Kerry. Later, Bush told Kerry in a phone call that he was an “admirable, worthy opponent” who should be proud of the presidential campaign he ran.