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Phones of the Future

The PT/Wirless and Networks Comm China 2003 held in Beijing was the biggest telecom exhibition in Asia. The third generation mobile phones, known as 3G, are the next big step for the telecom industry. This means users can have high-speed Internet access and enjoy video and CD-quality music on their phones.

Man and Machine

This is the world's first two-legged walking robot. It is battery-powered and can carry a human being. It was developed by Japanese engineers with an eye on helping the wheelchair-bound to climb stairs or move heavy goods on uneven ground.

PM Make Appearance in Cartoon and Ad

Prime Minister Tony Blair has made a guest appearance in the cartoon The Simpsons shown in the US. He's faced Jeremy Paxman,Trevor McDonald, and Radio 1 listener. It is said the Prime Minister is taking the opportunity to invite Americans to tour England. Tony Blair gets just over 50 seconds in the Simpsons episode that will be shown in the UK in January. Things do not come  singly but in pairs, Japanese PM Junichiro Koizumi has recently accepted a role in a TV ad and is to invite all visitors to tour Japan.
英国首相托尼·布莱尔在美国上演的动画片《辛普森一家》中友情客串了一个角色。他曾接受过杰里米·帕克斯曼和特雷弗·麦克唐纳的采访,也在广播一台中播过节目。据说,布莱尔此举是为了借机向美国人“推销英国旅游”。动画连续剧《辛普森一家》一月将在英国播出,托尼·布莱尔只有50多秒钟的台词。无独有偶,日本首相 小泉也在近日接下了一个电视广告,“亲自”邀请各国游客到日本观光。

Bill Gates Tops List of Charitable Givers

According to Business Week magazine, Microsoft founder and chairman Bill Gates and his wife Melinda are the most generous charitable givers among the top 50 in America, as the couple gave away a staggering $23 billion—more than half of their net worth.
美国《商业周刊》排出2003年度美国50位最慷慨的慈善家,其中微软创始人和董事长比尔·盖茨及其夫人梅林达名列榜首。盖茨夫妇捐献了230亿美元, 数字惊人——超过其净资产的一半。

Britney: Sassier
Than Before

On her fourth album, “ Get In The Zone”, Britney Spears explores her sensual side. “On this one, I kind of go there a little more,” she said, “but it's not tacky! It's kind of sensually done. I think when things are too much in your face, there's no subtlety to it.” Why did Brit decide to take such a risk? That's most notably the lack of attention she's been getting from guys. The little princess also spills a little secret: “I think people probably see me as a sweetie, and that's cool—at heart that's how I am. But I do have a wild side.”

Back Home

Egyptian infant twins Talia (left) and Talin, carried respectively by their dad Ahmed Samir and granny Mona Adl, used to be joined at the chest but can now lead separate lives. A Saudi medical team led by surgeon Abdullah successfully separated them. The twins arrived home in Cairo, along with their mum, Reem Abdul Karim (centre).

The Rock

This diamond was sold to an unidentified buyer for US$4.25 million at an auction house in Geneva, Switzerland. The rock, weighing 103.83 carats, is cut in the classic cushion-shape and is the largest D color flawless diamond. Diamonds are graded on a D-to-Z color scale developed by the Gemological Institute of America, with D being the most valuable.


US Babies Get Global Brand Names

Americans are increasingly turning to the world of popular culture to name their children, a study has found. Children have been named after big brands as diverse as beauty company L'Oreal, car firm Chevrolet and designer clothes company Armani. There are even two little boys, one in Michigan and one in Texas, called ESPN after the sports channel.

Party of Five

They may look like stuffed teddy bears, but these cubs are actually the largest recorded litter of brown bears born in captivity. Miso, Dazzle, Bubu, and Cindy were born January 6, 2003, in a zoo in the Eastern European country of Slovakia. Most adult bears have only one or two cubs at a time. So this is “beary” impressive!