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J.K.Rowling, Richer Than the Queen|乔·凯·罗琳:比女王更富有

If there is anyone out there who still hasn't heard of Harry Potter and his creator J.K. Rowling, they must be under a spell4. With the boy wizard5's latest adventure, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, flying into-and out of-bookstores on June 21, 2003, readers of all ages are wild with joy. The first four installments6 in the Harry Potter series have sold 192 million copies worldwide and been published in at least 55 languages. We just can't seem to get enough of Harry, his friends Hermione and Ron, and their increasingly dangerous adventures at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft7 and Wizardry. Rowling herself has called composing8 Harry's story “the most fun you can have without anyone else present.” The fun should last for a while, at least: Two more volumes are planned.
  Rowling's own worth, thanks to Harry—who has proved a big box-office draw9 as well—was estimated by The Sunday Times of London to be $444 million, making her richer than the queen.
  But do you know like that of her own character, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling's life has also been magical?
  K. Rowling was born in Bristol, England in 1965. Her full name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Her writing career started at the age of six when she wrote a story called Rabbit. Since then she has graduated from Exeter University, worked as a teacher and been an unemployed single parent. Divorced10 and living on public assistance she wrote Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone at a table in a cafe during her daughter's naps11. When Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was bought and published by Bloomsbury in 1997 her life changed dramatically, the Harry Potter series has since then won numerous12 awards and become a tremendous success around the world.

An Interview with J.K. Rowling乔·凯·罗琳访谈录

Q: How  did  you  get  the  idea for Harry Potter?
A: I  was  taking  a  long   train  journey   from Manchester to London in England and the idea for Harry just fell into my head. At that point it was essentially13 the idea for a boy who didn't know he was a wizard, and the wizard school he ended up14 going to. 

Q: How  long  did  it  take  to write the first book?
A: 5 years, although during that time I was also planning & writing parts of the six sequels15.

Q: Did  you  always  plan  to  write Harry's story in more than one book? If so, how many?
A: I always conceived it as a seven-book series because I decided that it would take seven years from the ages of 11-17, inclusive16, to train as a wizard, and each of the books would deal with a year of Harry's life at Hogwarts. 


Q: Any hints17 you  could share about what to expect in future Harry Potter books?
A: The theme running through all seven books is the fight between good and evil, and I'm afraid there will be casualties18! Children usually beg me not to kill Ron whenever I tell them this; they seem to think he is most vulnerable19, probably because he is the hero's best friend!


Q: Did you ever expect Harry Potter to be so successful?
A: I  would  have been crazy to have expected what has happened to Harry. The most exciting moment for me, against very stiff20 competition, was when I found out Harry was going to be published. It was my life's ambition to see a book I had written on a shelf in a bookshop.


Q: Are  you surprised to see Harry Potter connecting with so many adults, as well as kids?
A: I  didn't  write  with  a  target  audience21 in mind. What excited me was how much I would enjoy writing about Harry. I never thought about writing for children—children's books chose me. I think if it is a good book anyone will read it.


Q: Of  the many things you must have heard people say about Harry Potter, what are some of your favourites?
A: My    very     favourite     was     from    a twelve-year-old Scottish girl who came to hear me read at the Edinburgh book festival. The event was sold out and the queue22 for signing at the end was very long. When the girl in question finally reached me she said, 'I didn't WANT there to be so many people here, because this is MY book!' That is exactly how I feel about my favourite books...nobody else has a right to know them, let alone like them!


Q: Are you excited about the movie deal for Harry Potter? Where else might we see Harry Potter in the future (toys, video games23, etc.)?
A: I am very excited (and a little bit nervous) about Harry Potter the Movie. Warner Brothers have bought merchandising24 rights, so it is possible that we will be seeing Harry Potter toys. 


Q: Where, when, and how do you write?
A: Any time, any place, and longhand25!


Q: Do  you have any plans, as a writer, beyond Harry Potter? 
A: I have always written and I know that I always will; I would be writing even if I hadn't been published. However, Harry is a large and all-consuming26 project, and I really haven't got time, at the moment, to decide what will come next. 







答:我最喜欢的评价出自一个十二岁的苏格兰女孩,她到爱丁堡图书节来听我朗读。活动门票已经售完,等待最后签名的队伍很长。当这个女孩终于来到我身边时,她说:“我不愿意有这么多的人到这里来,因为这是我的书!” 这恰好道出了我对自己最喜爱的书的感觉……别人无权知道它们,更别说喜欢它们!





1. confines  n. 边界, 界限
2. literally  adv. 真实地;确切地
3. metaphorically  adv. 比喻地;象征地
4. spell [spel] n. 符咒,魔力
5. wizard  n. 男巫,魔法师
6. installment n. 分期连载作品的一章或一部

7. witchcraft n. 魔法,巫术
8. compose  v. 写作
9. draw  n. 吸引注意的东西
10. divorced adj. 离婚的
11. nap  n. 小睡,打盹
12. numerous  adj. 众多的
13. essentially  adv. 本质上;基本上
14. end up 最终到达(成为)
15. sequel  n. 续集,续篇

16. inclusive  adj. 包含的
17. hint [hint] n. 暗示,线索
18. casualty  n. 伤亡(人数)
19. vulnerable  adj. 易受攻击的
20. stiff [stif] adj. 强烈的;艰难的
21. audience  n. 读者
22. queue  n. 队列

23. video game 电子游戏
24. merchandising  n. 促销,广告推销
25. longhand  n. 普通书写(相对于速记shorthand)
26. consuming  adj. 消耗的