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The notice was posted next to the tenants'1 mailboxes in the apartment building I'd just moved into in Brooklyn, New York. “A Mitzvah2 for Mrs. Green,” it read. “Sign up3 to drive Mrs. G in #3B home from her chemotherapy4 treatments twice a month.”
  Since I wasn't a driver, I couldn't add my name, but the word mitzvah lingered5 in my thoughts after I went upstairs. It's a Hebrew6 word that means “to do a good deed”.
  And according to my grandmother, it also had another meaning. This was the one she was always pointing out to me because she'd noticed how shy I was about letting people do things for me. “Linda, it's a blessing7 to do a mitzvah for someone else, but sometimes it's a blessing to let another person do something for you.”

  Grandma would be shaking her head at me right now. Several of my friends had offered to help me settle in8 after the moving men left, but I'd said I could manage. Letting them help would have interfered with9 my image of myself as a capable and independent woman of 21.
  Snowflakes had been falling past my window for several hours when it came time10 to leave for class. I pulled on two sweaters, a coat, a wool hat and boots, making for11 the bus stop. In this December storm it was a hard journey. As I tied around my neck the blue scarf that Grandma had knitted12 for me, I could almost hear her voice: “Why don't you see if you can find a lift?”
  A thousand reasons why came into my mind: I don't know my neighbors; I don't like to impose13; I feel funny asking for favors. Pride would not let me knock on a door and say, “It's a 10-minute ride by car but a long wait for the bus, and it's a 30-minute bus ride, so could you possibly give me a lift to school?”
  I labored14 to the bus stop, reaching it just as a bus went by.
  Three weeks later, on the night of my final exam, the snow was falling steadily. I made my way to the bus stop. For an hour, I stretched15 my neck, praying desperately16 that a bus would come. Then I gave up. The wind at my back pushed me toward home, and I prayed, Dear God, how can I get to school? What should I do?
  As I pulled Grandma's scarf more tightly around my neck, again I seemed to hear that whisper: Ask someone for a lift! It could be a mitzvah.
  That idea had never really made sense17 to me. And even if I wanted to ask someone for a good deed, which I did not, there wasn't a soul18 on the street.
  But as I pushed the door of my apartment building open, I found myself face to face with a woman at the mailbox. She was wearing a brown coat and had a set of keys in her hand. Obviously she had a car, and just as obviously, she was going out. In that split second19, desperation overcame pride, I blurted20, “Could you possibly give me a lift?” I hurriedly explained, “I never ask anybody for a lift, but . . .”
  An odd look crossed the woman's face, and I added, “Oh! I live in 4R. I moved in recently.”
  “I know,” she said. “I've seen you through the window.” Then, without hesitation, “Of course, I'll give you a lift. Let me get my car key.”
  “Your car key?” I repeated. “Isn't that it in your hand?”
  She looked down. “No, no, I was just going to get my mail. I'll be right back.” And she disappeared upstairs, ignoring21 my “Ma'am! Please! I don't mean to put you out22!” I was terribly embarrassed.
  But when she came back, she spoke so warmly that I stopped feeling uncomfortable. “You know the way better than I,” she said. “Why don't you drive?”
  “I can't,” I said. Now I felt uneasy again.
  She just laughed and patted me on the hand, saying, “It's not so important,” and then I laughed, too.
  “You remind me of my grandmother,” I said.
  At that, a slight smile crossed her lips. “Just call me Grandma Alice. My grandchildren do.”
  When she dropped me off23, I thanked her again and again and stood there waving as she drove away. My final exam was a piece of cake24 compared with the difficult experience I'd gone through to get to it, and asking Grandma Alice for help had loosened me so that after class I was able to ask easily, “Is anyone going my way?” It turned out25 that while I'd been waiting for a bus every night, three fellow students passed my apartment house. "Why didn't you say something before?" they chorused26.
  Back home as I walked up the stairs, I passed Grandma Alice leaving her neighbor's apartment. “Good night, Mrs. Green. See you tomorrow,” the neighbor was saying.
  Mrs. Green, the woman with cancer. “Grandma Alice” was Mrs. Green.
  I stood on the stairs, my hand covering my mouth: I had asked a person struggling with cancer to go out in a snowstorm to give me a lift to school. “Oh, Mrs. Green,” I stammered27, “I didn't realize who you were. Please forgive me.”
  I forced my legs to move me up the stairs. In my apartment, I stood still, not taking my coat off. How could I have been so insensitive28? In a few seconds, someone tapped 29 on my door. Mrs. Green stood there.
  “May I tell you something?” she asked. I nodded slowly, motioning30 her toward a chair, sinking down onto my couch. “I used to be so strong,” she said. She was crying. “I used to be able to do things for other people. Now everybody keeps doing things for me, giving me things, cooking my meals and taking me to places where I want to go. It's not that I don't appreciate it, but I don't have chances. Tonight before I went out to get my mail, I prayed to God to let me feel like part of the human race again. Then you came along ...”



1. tenant   n. 房客,租客
2. mitzvah   n. 德行,善举
3. sign up=sign in  签字
4. chemotherapy   n. 化疗
5. linger   v. 逗留,徘徊
6. Hebrew   adj. 希伯来人的,希伯来语的
7. blessing   n. 幸福;恩赐
8. settle in  搬入,定居
9. interfere with  妨碍,干扰
10. when it came time=when the time came
11. pull on 穿,戴(袜子,手套等),make for 走向
12. knit [nit]  v. 编织
13. impose  v. (on/upon)  强加于; 硬要(某人)帮忙,打扰
14. labor   v. 费劲,艰难地做……

15. stretch   v. 伸展,伸长
16. desperately   adv. 拼命地; 失望地 
17. make sense [sens]   有意义,有道理
18. soul   n. 心灵,此处代表“人”。
19. in a split second  一眨眼的时间,不到一秒钟  split [split]  adj.  裂开的,分离的
20. blurt   v. 未加思索地冲口说出,突然说出
21. ignore  v. 不理睬,忽视
22. put out  打扰,麻烦
23. drop off 让……下车
24. a piece of cake   轻松的事
25. turn out 结果(是),原来

26. chorus   v. 异口同声地说
27. stammer  v. 口吃,结结巴巴地说
28. insensitive   adj. 感觉迟钝的
29. tap v. 轻叩
30. motion   v. 打手势; 摇[点]头示意