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Uneasy Death|戴妃:逝者何已矣

Paul Burrell, the former butler to Diana, announced he would continue his revelations about Diana's private life by his book. Burrell added that Diana had claimed someone was planning to kill her in a car crash and this was only the "tip of the iceberg." When accused by Prince William and Harry, he replied his only intention was to stand in her corner and defend the princess.

戴妃前管家保罗·伯勒尔声称要继续在他的书中透露戴妃私生活。伯勒尔还说,戴安娜曾称自己可能会死于一场“有预谋”的车祸,而这仅是众多隐情中的“冰山一角”。 面对威廉和哈里王子的谴责,他回答说自己惟一的目的就是站在戴妃的立场上为其辩护。