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Great Value in Disaster|祸兮, 福之所倚

In December 1914, Thomas Edison's laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey caught on fire. When the great inventor realized the scope of the blaze, he enthusiastically sent word to his family and friends, “Get down here quick! You may never have a chance to see anything like this again!”
  Edison lost 2 million dollars worth of equipment and the record of much of his life work in that fire. The next day, he walked through the rubble with his son Charles. He said, “Charles, there's a great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew.”
  How many of us would be able to respond in gratitude after such a loss? With a thankful heart, Edison did start anew. Three weeks after his first laboratory went up in smoke, he invented the first phonograph, one of his many inventions after the disaster.
