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US Bombs Iraq|美国轰炸伊拉克

More than 40 US missiles exploded in Baghdad as dawn broke over the Iraqi capital on March, 20. US President George W. Bush waged his war against Iraqi leader Saddem Hussein without an approval from the United Nations Security Council. The attack came less than two hours after Bush's deadline for Saddam to leave his country had passed. Following the air strike, the Iraqi leader responded defiantly, denouncing the "criminal Bush" and fired missiles at Kuwait. Since the war broke out, many world leaders condemned the US-led war against Iraq, calling for the bombing to stop to save thousands of lives. And many more anti-war protests have taken place in the US, Britain and other countries.

3月20日凌晨,伊拉克首都巴格达遭到美国40余枚导弹的轰炸。美国总统乔治· W·布什未经联合国安理会批准发动了对伊领导人萨达姆的战争。这轮袭击是在布什要求萨达姆离开伊拉克最后期限到期后不到两小时开始的。伊总统萨达姆随后强烈谴责“战犯布什”,并向科威特发射导弹。开战以来,许多国家领导人指责美国主导的对伊战争,呼吁停止轰炸以拯救成千上万的无辜生命。美国、英国和其他国家由此而爆发了多起反战游行示威。

 Anti-war protesters took part in a demonstration in central London.

An Indonesian protester with a "No War" sign on the back of his head took part in an anti-war protest in front of the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta.