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14 Steps to a Happier You|快乐人生14招

Is being happy all the time as simple as making a choice? Not exactly, says David Niven, PH.D., author of The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People. But being happier is a choice. “I wouldn't say everyone can be happy all the time—difficult situations will come up1. But you can be happier all the time, and it really comes down to2 some pretty simple choices.” Niven spent two years going through more than 1,000 psychological3 studies on happiness, translating their technical findings into simple lessons we can all learn from. Take these easy steps today to make yourself happier.

1Get Involved
Whether it's the yearbook staff, band or a Friday night get-together, psychologists say being a part of a group will make you feel more connected and increase your self-confidence and happiness.
2 Aromatherapy4
Go ahead, layer on the papaya5 bubble bath, coconut body lotion6 and strawberry lip gloss. Besides making you smell delicious, it'll make you happier!
3 Volunteer
Tutor a classmate, visit a nursing home or work in a soup kitchen7. Volunteering gives you a sense of purpose.
4 Exercise 
Play ball, join a gym or tag along8 while your best friend walks her dog. What you do is not as important as the fact that you're doing something.
5 Choose music
When you come home from school, do you turn on the TV or stereo? Music enlivens9 the brain while TV puts the brain to sleep.
6 Busy is better
Knowing you have things to do is a more pleasant feeling than being bored and having nothing to do.
7 Say cheese
One study found that people mimic10 the expressions of others around them. That means if you smile, you'll be greeted with more smiles, which will make you feel happier.
8 Love your dog
Or hamster or cat. According to psychologist, people with a loved pet are more likely to be happy than without.
9 Help
Random11 acts of kindness make others feel better and you feel good about yourself for having done them.
10 Believe in yourself
Be your own biggest fan and you'll really have something to cheer about.
11. Get some ZZZ's
How much you sleep affects your happiness. If you don't get enough sleep, it can leave you feeling less positive the next day. Focus on one topic as you're drifting off12. When your mind is racing from one thing to another, it's much harder to fall asleep or to sleep well.
12 Share
People who share their emotions feel supported and happier, while people who hold everything inside feel isolated13.
13 Eat fruit
Besides the physical benefits of choosing a banana over a banana split14, eating more fruit increases the likelihood of you feeling happy.
14. Supportive friends
If you want to be happy, choose supportive friends rather than competitive friends. You need to feel like you matter regardless of whether you got an A on the test or won a race.


2. 香味疗法。来吧,请使用木瓜泡沫浴、椰子洁肤液和草莓唇膏。这样你不仅身上有好闻的味道,心情也会更快乐。
3. 参加志愿活动。辅导同学功课,参观疗养院,到救济所工作。志愿活动能给人以目标感。
4. 运动。打球,练体操,或者跟着好朋友溜狗。你做什么并不重要,重要的是你没闲着。
5. 听音乐。放学回到家,你是开电视还是开立体声唱机?音乐能活跃大脑,而电视却让人昏昏欲睡。
6. 忙比闲好。知道有事要做比百无聊赖、无所事事感觉要好。
7. 说“茄子”。一项研究发现,人会模仿周围人的表情。这就是说,你对别人微笑,别人会报以更多的微笑,这样你就会更快乐。
8. 爱你的狗、腮鼠或猫。心理学家认为,养有心爱宠物的人比没有宠物的人更容易感到快乐。
9. 帮助别人。时不时做点好事会让别人感到开心,同时你也会因为做了好事而自我感觉良好。
10. 相信自己。如果你最崇拜的人是你自己,你一定会因此而开心。
14.支持型的朋友。要快乐就要交支持型的朋友,而不是结交竞争型的朋友。不管你是否考试优秀或比赛拿第一,你需要一种自己很重要的感觉 。



1. come up 出现
2. come down to 归结为
3. psychological    adj.  心理的   psychologist [sai?謖k?蘅l?藜d?廾ist] n.心理学者
4. aromatherapy   n.用香料按摩
5. papaya  n. 木瓜
6. lotion   n. 护肤液, 洗发液
7. soup kitchen (救济贫民、灾民的)施舍处
8. tag along 尾随,跟着
9. enliven  v.使活跃
10. mimic  v.模仿
11. random   adj. 随意的
12. drift off 渐渐入睡
13. isolate  v.孤立
14. split [split] n.冰淇淋