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Talking Taxis|喋喋不休出租车

Many people think New York is a noisy city. In fact, scientists who study noise say that the average noise level in New York is 72.5 decibels1. This is a little louder than normal conversation, which is 65 decibels. The noise level comes from having so many people and cars in the same area.
  Now even the insides2 of taxis are noisy. When you get into a taxi, you hear the voice of a well-known opera singer, sports announcer, or Broadway actress giving instructions. That's right. The voice of a famous person tells you what to do. One popular singer gives this message: “Cats have nine lives, but you have only one, so buckle3 your seat belt!” Other voices say things such as “Don't forget to collect all your belongings.” (People often leave hats, umbrellas, and briefcases4 in taxis.)
  There is a good reason for the messages. There are more than  12,000 cabs in New York, and every year taxis get into more than 15,000 accidents. In an accident, people who don't wear seat belts hit the partition5 in the taxi. They can bruise6 their foreheads or break their noses or chins. Every year, about 11,000 people are injured in this way.
  Many people are annoyed7 by the voices. Cabdrivers in particular dislike the messages. “I play the messages 12 hours a day. I hear the same voices 60 times a day. It makes me crazy,” says Amir, a 45-year-old cabdriver. “but if I don't play the messages, I get fined $100.” A lot of passengers complain, too. “It's too much noise,”says a passenger. “I asked the driver to turn off the message, but he said he can't.”
  Other people think the voices are a great idea. One taxi driver says,“People like to hear the famous voices, and they put on their seat belts more often.” And passengers from out of town really like the idea. “Most of the time, taxi drivers are in a bad mood,” says Melanie Benton, who visits New York often on business. “It's nice to hear a cheerful voice when you get into a cab.”



1. decibel  n.分贝(表示功率比和声音强度的单位)
2. inside  n.里面,内部
3. buckle  v.扣住
4. briefcase  n.公文包
5. partition  n.隔离物
6. bruise  v.擦伤,撞伤
7. annoy v.使生气,讨厌