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A Brother's Voice|姐弟情深

Most people have an inspiration1 in their life. Maybe it's a talk with someone you respect or an experience. Whatever the inspiration, it tends to make you look at life from a different perspective2. My inspiration came from my sister Vicki, a kind and caring person. She didn't care about accolades3 or being written about in newspapers. All she wanted was to share her love with the people she cared about, her family and friends.
  The summer before my junior year of college, I received a phone call from my father saying that Vicki was rushed to the hospital. She had collapsed4 and the right side of her body was paralyzed5. The preliminary6 indications7 were that she suffered a stroke8. However, test results confirmed9 it was much more serious. There was a malignant10 brain tumor11 causing her paralysis12. Her doctors didn't give her more than three months to live. I remember wondering how this could happen. The day before Vicki was perfectly fine. Now, her life was coming to an end at such a young age.
  After overcoming13 the initial14 shock and feeling of emptiness, I decided that Vicki needed hope and encouragement. She needed someone to make her believe that she would overcome this obstacle. I became Vicki's coach. Everyday we would visualize15 the tumor shrinking16 and everything that we talked about was positive17. I even posted a sign on her hospital room door that read, “If you have any negative thoughts, leave them at the door.” I was determined to help Vicki beat the tumor. She and I made a deal18 that was called 50-50. I would do 50% of the fighting and Vicki would do the other 50%.
  The month of August arrived and it was time to begin my junior year of college 3,000 miles away. I was unsure whether I should leave or stay with Vicki. I made the mistake of telling her that I might not leave for school. She became angry and said not to worry because she would be fine. There was Vicki lying ill in a hospital bed telling me not to worry. I realized that if I stayed it might send a message that she was dying and I didn't want her believing that. Vicki needed to believe that she could win against the tumor.
  Leaving that night feeling it might be the last time I would ever see Vicki alive was the most difficult thing I have ever done. While at school, I never stopped fighting my 50% for her. Every night before falling asleep I would talk to Vicki, hoping that there was some way she could hear me. I would say, “Vicki I'm fighting for you and I will never quit. As long as you never quit fighting we will beat this.”
  A few months had passed and she was still holding on19. I was talking with an elderly friend and she asked about Vicki's situation. I told her that she was getting worse but that she wasn't quitting. My friend asked a question that really made me think. She said, “Do you think the reason she hasn't let go20 is because she doesn't want to let you down21?”
  Maybe she was right? Maybe I was selfish for encouraging Vicki to keep fighting? That night before falling asleep, I said to her, “Vicki, I understand that you're in a lot of pain and that you might like to let go. If you do, then I want you to. We didn't lose because you never quit fighting. If you want to go on to a better place then I understand. We will be together again. I love you and I'll always be with you wherever you are.”
  Early the next morning, my mother called to tell me that Vicki had passed away22.                   




1. inspiration  n. 灵感,启发
2. perspective   n. 视角
3. accolade  n. 荣誉,赞美
4. collapse  v. 摔倒,跨掉
5. paralyze   v. 使瘫痪
6. preliminary   adj. 初步的
7. indication  n. 迹象
8. stroke   n. 中风
9. confirm   v. 确认,证实
10. malignant   adj. 恶性的
11. tumor   n. 肿瘤
12. paralysis   n. 瘫痪
13. overcome  v. 战胜,克服
14. initial  adj. 最初的,开始的
15. visualize   v. 想象
16. shrink  v. 缩小
17. positive  adj. 正面的,积极的
18. make a deal  达成协议
19. hold on  坚持
20. let go  放弃
21. let sb. down  令某人失望
22. pass away  (婉)去世