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Read My Lips

  Once upon a time in the dead of winter1 in the Dakota Territory, Theodore Roosevelt took off in a makeshift2 boat down the Little Missouri River in pursuit of3 thieves who had stolen his prized4 rowboat. After several days, he caught up and got the draw on them with his trusty Winchester  rifle, at  which   point they  surrendered. Then  Roosevelt  set  off  to  haul5 the thieves cross-country to justice. They headed across the snow-covered wastes6 of the Badlands to the jail at Dickinson, and Roosevelt walked the entire 60 kilometers or so—an astonishing7 feat8. But what makes it especially memorable9 is that during that time he managed to read Anna Karenina10.
  I often think of that when I hear people say they haven't time to read. Reportedly, the average American does have time to watch TV, about four hours a day, the average person, I'm told, reads at a rate of 250 words per minute. So, based on these statistics11, he or she could, in a week, read the complete poems of T. S. Eliot12, two Thornton Wilder13 plays, the complete poems of Maya Angelou, Faulkner14's The Sound and the Fury, F. Scott Fitzgerald's15 The Great Gatsby, and the Book of Psalms16.
  But a week is a long time by today's standards, when information is available17 at the touch of finger. We're being sold18 the ideas that information is learning, and we're being sold a bill19 of goods. Knowing the area of the state of Connecticut or the jumping capacity20 of a flea may be useful, but it isn't learning of itself, the greatest of all avenues21 to learning—to wisdom, adventure, pleasure, insight22, to understanding human nature, understanding  ourselves  and  our world and our place in it—is in reading books.
  Read for life, all your life. Nothing ever invented provides such sustenance23, such  infinite24  reward  for  time  spent, as a good book. Read to your heart's content. Let one book lead to another. They nearly always do.
  Take up a great author and read everything he or she has written. Read about places you've never been. Read books that changed history: Tom Paine's Common Sense, the autobiography of Frederick Douglass, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.
  Read those books you know you're supposed to have read and imagine as dreary25. A classic may be defined as a book that stays long in print26, and a book stays long in print only because it's exceptional. Why exclude the exceptional from your experience?
  And when you read a book you love—a book you feel has enlarged the experience of being alive, a book that “lights the fire”—then spread the word.
  To carry a book with you wherever you go is old advice and good advice. John Adams urged his son John Quincy to carry a volume of   poetry. “You   will   never   be alone,” he said, “with a poet in your pocket.”

  然而, 当信息唾手可得的时候, 用现在的标准来看,一周就很长了。总有人告诉我们,接受信息就是求知;总有人藉此推销给我们一大堆商品。知道康涅狄格州的面积大小或者跳蚤的跳跃能力有多强也许有用,但这本身并不是知识。要获得真知,也就是要增长智慧,开阔眼界,品尝快乐,提高洞察力,理解人性,了解我们自己、我们的世界和我们在世界上的地位——达到这种目的最有效的办法就是读书。


1. in the dead of winter隆冬时节
2. makeshift  adj.代用品,临时凑合的
3. in pursuit of (sb/sth) 追捕(某人/某物)
4. prized adj.珍爱的
5. haul  v.把某人带上来审问或训斥
6. wastes [weists] n.无人烟的或不能住人的地区;荒地;荒漠
7. astonishing  adj.使人惊讶的;惊人的
8. feat  n.伟绩
9. memorable  adj.值得纪念的,难忘的
10.Anna Karenina  《安娜·卡列尼娜》,俄国著名作家列夫·托尔斯泰的作品
11.statistics  n. 统计数字
12.T. S. Eliot  T. S. 艾略特,20世纪英国著名诗人
13.Thornton Wilder  桑顿·王尔德,著名剧作家
14.William Faulkner  威廉·福克纳,20世纪美国著名作家
15.F. Scott Fitzgerald  F·斯科特·费茨杰拉德,20世纪美国著名作家  
16.psalm  n.圣歌,圣诗,赞美诗;the Book of Psalms 指《圣经》中的《诗篇》
17.available  adj.可用的或可得到的
18.sell [sel] v.使某人相信某事属实
19.bill [bil] n.清单
20.capacity  n.能力
21.avenue  n.途径,方法
22.insight  n.洞察力,深刻的了解
23.sustenance  n.食物,营养,养料
24.infinite adj.无限的
25.dreary adj.沉闷的,枯燥的
26.in print已出版,销售