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You Can Beat Depression|战胜抑郁你能行

Depression has always been considered a disease of life's middle or later years, but doctors are now reporting a surprising surge2 in cases among younger people.
  Why is depression striking earlier and more often? No one knows the precise cause, but experts point to the tremendous3 social changes of the past 20 years.
  Experts warn that “clinical4 depression”, which can be very serious, requires the attention of a physician5 or psychologist6 trained to treat the disorder7. But you also may be able to help yourself. Here, from leading authorities, are six approaches8:
1.  Do something constructive9. Depression feeds on inertia10, and action is its natural enemy. The less you do, the less you want to do. To fight inertia, write down a daily plan of action—from wake up to lights out. List everything, including showers11 and meals, because if you're really down, even little tasks can seem large. Break complicated activities into small, discrete12 steps; they'll seem more manageable.
  If just making  your plan seems an impossible project13, take heart from Dr.Burns's observation that action often must come before motivation14. This means you shouldn't wait until you feel like it to start moving, because as long as you're depressed, you may never feel like it. Instead, you might have to “prime the pump”15 by taking a small step to get started, even if you are not in the mood16.
2.  Lend a hand. Altruism17 is rapidly gaining acceptance among doctors as a good way to help yourself to better health. Volunteer work, community service or such neighborly gestures as shopping for an elderly shut-in18 can have a therapeutic19 effect. Moreover,  because isolation from people is an important cause of  depression, human contact in and of itself heals.
3.  Schedule20 joy. Many  depressed  people give up the pastimes21 they enjoy most, which only makes matters worse. To turn life around, include upbeat22 activities on each day's agenda23. Focus on social interactions24, especially get-togethers with friends  that make you feel competent, such as mastering a new skill, and pleasurable events, including dinner out or a movie.
  Also try smiling. Extensive research shows that our behavior shapes25 our emotions. If you're feeling sad, don't drag your feet, walk briskly26; don't slouch27, sit upright; and don't frown, smile. The attempt alone may put you in a good mood. The actions that go into being happy—the expressions, the postures, the movements—can make you feel happy.
4. Exercise regularly. Scientists think that aerobic28 exercise—activities like walking, jogging29, swimming and bicycling—may boost your self-confidence, improve your sense of well-being, and heighten your energy. And, by helping you relax, it can reduce the tension and anxiety that contribute to 30 depression.
5.  Brighten your day. Research has shown that exposure to light—from the sun or artificial31 devices—can help relieve such  seasonal  depression, which affects a relatively small number of people. You can introduce more light in your home yourself by creating a brighter indoor environment. And by choosing a daytime activity, such as walking or jogging,  you can get natural light.
6.   Read all about it. According to a recent study, giving depressed people certain books on depression control to read helped in treating mild to moderate32 forms of the illness.
  Before embarking33 on self-therapy34 for what you suspect is mild depression,get a physical exam to make sure your health is good. Then set a two-week target. If you don't feel better by then, or if you feel worse or have suicidal35 thoughts at any time, talk to your doctor. And heed36 the encouragement of Dr.burns, “ The decision to help yourself is the key to feeling better.”

  1. 做点有建设性的事情。人之所以抑郁,是因为有惰性,而行动是战胜抑郁的天敌。做的事情越少就越不想做。想战胜惰性,就要把一天的行动计划——从早晨醒来到晚上关灯睡觉——都写下来。每一件事都记下来,洗澡吃饭也要写。如果你真的感到沮丧,哪怕是一件小事也会被放大。把复杂的活动分成独立的一小步一小步:这样事情就显得好办一些。
  2. .帮助他人。现在越来越多的医生认为利他主义有助于增进身体健康。义务劳动、社区服务还有替老年病人购物等帮助邻里的举动都具有治疗抑郁的效果。再说,孤立自己是导致抑郁的一个重要原因,与社会接触本身就能起到消除抑郁的作用。
  3. 制订一个快乐计划。许多精神抑郁的人放弃了他们最喜欢的消遣,这样事情会更糟。要想生活来个180度的转变,每天的日程就应该安排一些让人快乐的活动。重点放在社交活动上,尤其是跟朋友的聚会;做一些力所能及的事,比如掌握一门新技术;做一些好玩的事,比如上馆子看电影什么的。
  4. 坚持锻炼。科学家认为有氧运动,如步行、慢跑、游泳、骑车等活动能够使人更加自信,感觉更好,精力更旺盛。有氧运动能让人放松,这样就可以减轻导致抑郁的紧张和焦躁情绪。
  5. 让生活亮堂起来。研究显示,生活在光亮的地方,不管是阳光还是灯光,有助于缓解季节性抑郁症。这一类抑郁症患者人数相对少一些。你可以自己创造一个更为明亮的室内环境,让家里有更多的亮光。有选择地在白天开展一些活动,例如步行或慢跑,这样可以得到自然光。
  6. 阅读有关书籍。最近的一项研究表明,给精神抑郁的人读一些控制抑郁的书有助于治疗轻中度抑郁症。



1.depression  n. 抑郁,消沉
2.surge  n. 上升
3.tremendous a. 巨大的
4.clinical  a. 临床的
5.physician  n. 医生
6.psychologist  n. 心理学家
7.disorder  n. 精神紊乱、失调
8.approach  n. 方法
9.constructive a. 建设性的
10.inertia  n. 惰性
11.shower  n. 淋浴
12.discrete  a. 单独的,分开的
13.project  n. 项目,工程
14.motivation  n. 动机
15.prime the pump 采取措施促进某事业或活动的发展
16.in the mood 有兴趣、有心情干某事
17.altruism  n. 利他,利他主义

18.shut-in n. 因病不能出门的人
19.therapeutic  a. 治疗的
20.schedule  vt. 安排,计划
21.pastime  n. 消遣,娱乐
22.upbeat  a. 乐观向上的,令人快乐的
23.agenda n. 议事日程,日常工作
24.interaction  n. 相互作用,交往
25.shape vt.影响
26.briskly adv. 快地,生气勃勃地
27.slouch  vi. 无精打采地坐
28.aerobic  a.增氧健身的运动
29.jog vi. 慢跑
30.contribute to 导致,引起
31.artificial  a. 人工的
32.moderate  a. 中度的
33.embark  vi. 从事,着手
34.self-therapy  n. 自我治疗
35.suicidal  a. 自杀的
36.heed vt. 注意,关注