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Why I am here?(1500字)

2017-6-1 16:26:03

My dad says everyone has the value to live. What is my value? I am standing here looking at  the sky. The sky tells me to look inside myself, to understand myself, and I will find the answer.      Everyone has to complete their mission from they day they reached the world until they leave. This the value.
And what is the mission? My mom says you need complete those must to do. Those? Maybe she  is talking about washing shoes or doing homework? I think so. My grandparents say that you musthelp the development of our society. They say this is the value I live and why I am standing here.

 Less time to waste, but I am sure I am lazy to complete the mission everyone is doing. I like      traveling, I like walking around the city and I like living in a town. Can these things be the  reason why I am here?

 Nowadays, I don't look at the sky anymore. Everyone is looking at the sky, and completing the   mission to show their value. I look forward to the ground, and also the trees. I like doing what I   want to do to show my value. 



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