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2014-5-10 21:20:40

bill gates is the head of the software company microsoft and one of the world`s wealthiest men. gates and paul allen founded microsoft in the 1970s, though allen left the company in 1983. gates oversaw the invention and marketing of the ms-dos operating system, the windows operating interface, the internet explorer browser, and a multitude of other popular computer products. along the way he gained a reputation for fierce competitiveness and aggressive business savvy. during the 1990s rising microsoft stock prices made gates the world`s wealthiest man; his wealth has at times exceeded $75 billion, making gates a popular symbol of the ascendant computer geek of the late 20th century. extra credit: gates married melinda french, a microsoft employee, on 1 january 1994. the couple have three children: daughters jennifer katharine (b. 1996) and phoebe adele (b. XX) and son rory john (b. 1999)... gates`s personal chartiable initiative, the bill and melinda gates foundation, has focused on global health issues, especially on preventing malaria and aids in poor countries; in XX, abc news reported that he had given away over six billion dollars in the previous five years. 中文, 意下如何
威廉(比尔)h.盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商-微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和 首席执行官,盖茨的资产净值:564 亿美元。 盖茨出生于1955年10月28日,他和两个姐妹一起在西雅图长大。他们的父亲william h.gatesii是西雅图的一名律师。他们的已故母亲mary gates曾任中学教师、华盛顿大学的校务委员以及united wayinternational的女主席。 盖茨曾就读于西雅图的公立小学和私立湖滨中学,在那里,他开始了自己个人计算机软件的职业经历,13岁就开始编写计算机程序 。 1973年,盖茨进入哈佛大学一年级,在那里他与steve ballmer住在同一楼层,后者目前是微软公司总裁。在哈佛期间,盖茨为第一台微型计算机-mitsaltair开发了bas ic编程语言。basic语言是john kemeny和thomas kurtz于六十年代中期在dartmouth学院开发的一种计算机语言。 三年级时,盖茨从哈佛退学,全身心投入其与童年伙伴paul allen一起于1975年组建的微软公司。他们深信个人计算机将是每一部办公桌面系统以及每一家庭的非常有价值的工具,并为这 一信念所指引,开始为个人计算机开发软件。 盖茨有关个人计算机的远见和洞察力一直是微软公司和软件业界成功的关键。

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